Anyone know this helmet?

owned/worn many helmets over the years
just bought a Shark full face as the Nolan is timed out and stinky

the Shark Spartan GT is an extremely comfortable helmet for my pumpkin shape (round)
fairly quiet and the opticals of the sunshade and visor are the best I've had

totally happy with the purchase
Ditto on the Shark Spartan. Best street helmet I've owned, by far. It's very stable and quiet (for me, on my bike, YMMV) and the sun visor actually comes low enough to fully shield my eyes, no bright band at the bottom of my vision. Any integrated sun visor is a safety compromise, but the convenience of not having to muck with sunglasses or swap visors is well worth it to me. The liner is really soft, too.

My new Scorpion EXO-R1 Air has the cheek air bladders, and it makes a bit of sense on the track where a snug fit is only needed for 20 minutes at a stretch. I would never bother to use it on the street, though. Properly sized cheek pads are a better approach...
My HJC used to squish my cheeks far too much, so I bought thinner cheekpads for it from Revzilla, problem solved.
My HJC used to squish my cheeks far too much, so I bought thinner cheekpads for it from Revzilla, problem solved.
Actually, correction. The thinner pads I bought didn't feel safe, so I went back to the original cheekpads but I surgically removed some foam from inside of them. Now they're the cat's ass.
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It may be a bit of a generalization to say that you're a Shoei head, or an Arai head, or a Sh1t-head, etc.

Different models within the same brand might have different shell shapes and padding. You won't know till you try it on, and even then, you won't *really* know until you're an hour or two into your ride.

There are certain things you can do to make a new helmet more comfortable, you can stretch the padding using vices, clamps, books, etc. Dampen the pads a little bit before you stretch them. Some manufacturers also sell thinner pads for cheeks/crown that you can replace the stock padding with.
Maybe a bit but if that's true where are the round oval Shoeis? Which Shoei models are round oval?

The RF line has always been towards long oval even by Shoei categorization. The GT Air even more long. The old Quest and the new RF SR (which is less round than the Quest) are definitely more round but still less round than the RPHA11 and RPHA70 and most HJC. The only helmets Shoei makes that are considered round are open face or modular.

As for Arai, they also tend towards long oval. Almost all their helmets are categorized even by themselves as intermediate oval. Yes they have specific long and round oval helmets as well as trying to sell you additional different sized internal pads to get their already very expensive helmets to fit. But their median is still more long than round compared to say HJC.

I don't have nearly as much experience with Shark, Nolan, Bell, etc so I can't speak with as much experience. I have a little with Icon and they tend towards long as well. The only round oval they have offered in a long time now is the Variant . . . a dual sport oriented helmet with a sun brim visor.

So yes I am generalizing because when trying to help someone on the extreme long or round oval ends of the spectrum, these generalizations will hopefully help guide them to a few helmets to start with that should have better odds of fitting well based on head roundness.

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Got a Scorpion exo 1400 that has the air cheek pad from FC-Moto for about $250. I like it a lot as it really eliminate almost all the looseness without putting too much pressure on your head.

The only thing is that you have to remember to deflate it before pulling the helmet off otherwise you will feel like you are ripping your head off.
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I don't understand how the pump helps? Sure it may change the static fit but as soon as you are in a crash, the air you added does nothing. I vote gimmick.

Find a helmet for a different head shape. Shoei is obviously not the right shape for you.
It just feels like a torture device more often than not, the right side of my head is in intense pain after some miles, in addition the cheeks are always pushed in (@Lightcycle another layup) so more times than not, I end up biting my cheeks etc
This! I ended up cutting out the blatters. Helmet was then relegated as a back up. So not sure if the air pump helmet would help. Maybe get a larger helmet with the air blatters?
I don't understand how the pump helps? Sure it may change the static fit but as soon as you are in a crash, the air you added does nothing. I vote gimmick.

Find a helmet for a different head shape. Shoei is obviously not the right shape for you.
The idea is to help the cheek pads hold your head better so when the impact happens the eps foam will be as close to your head as possible. The cheek pads are soft in just about any helmet, they aren't meant to cushion the hit.
I don't understand how the pump helps? Sure it may change the static fit but as soon as you are in a crash, the air you added does nothing. I vote gimmick.

Find a helmet for a different head shape. Shoei is obviously not the right shape for you.
For a "custom" fit a lot of the time people need the crown pad portion and the cheek pad portions to be different thicknesses/sizes to fit best. It's one solution offered by a manufacturer to solve that problem instead of expecting the owner to get additional pads themselves or just dealing with an uncomfortable or poorly fitted helmet. I've heard mixed but mostly positive reviews.

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Comfort aside, the only helmet I ever 'needed' was a Bell full face. That was many years ago and I haven't owned a Bell since as the brand pretty much disappeared for years. That Bell ended up with 1/8" gouges up along the chin bar, where my upper chin and lower lip would be plus, even deeper gouges up from where the helmet starts above the visor and onto the top of the helmet. Basically where my forehead is located. Not only saved my life but saved me from severe disfigurement. No matter what brand helmet you wear, please make sure it's a full face 🙏 To this day it makes me uneasy to see riders wearing open face or beanie helmets. (OK; sermon over!)
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