Anyone know anything about Projectors?


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Hi all. I'm debating replacing my TV with a projector, but I have no idea where to begin. Can anyone recommend a decent model? It would have to have full functionality (Ie 1080p, and sufficient power to view with lights on. I'd like to spend around a grand.

Any suggestions, tips, warnings, etc... please share.
For the price range you are talking about you would be wise to lower your expectations a bit. Any projector with respectable performance will likely cost quite a bit more than you indicated.

When it comes to technology you often get what you pay for (provided the pool of choices are known name brands). Spend more, get better features and output quality (generally). Spend less and you get whatever comes at that price point.

You could opt to buy a high quality used projector it will do a better job but the downside is the lifespan of the lamp is already shortened through use by the existing owner.

Nothing will substitute for doing your own research and seeing he picture with your own eyes. Regardless of what anyone says about which one you should pick YOU are the one who has to live with it (for better or worse). In this situation it could be worth the price of a subscription to Consumer Reports if they happen to have researched the current crop of projectors.

Its also important to consider the cost of the replacement lamp as it relates to the overall expense in purchasing the projector. If you have a $1,000 projector and a lamp that costs $300-$400 it might be difficult to justify.

Last but not least if you want a mostly unbiased opinion you could talk to an AV installer. Not the kind that sells you stuff, more like the kind of guy who focuses making an income from installing equipment not selling it. These guys usually have an informed opinion without being as pushy and biased as the sales goons at the big box stores.

Good luck!
Sony VPLEX145 or VPLEX175

You should be looking for something around the specs of the 175 for what you want it to do if you are going to limit the price to ~ $1K.

Make sure you go see whatever you are getting so you know the light output (lumens) are high enough for you.

The CR on those are 4000:1 and that's actually really good for your price range.

Check out this site

It has pretty much every projector out there.

Also, you should spend almost $1000 alone for the screen. You can always upgrade your projector in the future. For screens I got my 120" at Eastporters.

If you want to watch the projector with the lights on then you should get a Silver or a BLACK screen. I recommend having a dedicated room with black oout curtains and zero light. will have all the information you need.
For 1k you are not going to get a projector that shows a decent picture in a lit room. You'll end up with a light cannon-ish business grade projector. Great for powerpoint in an office but noisey and sucks for video/movies etc. You can get a good Home Theatre focused projector (quiter, more concenred with contrast and colour but not as bright) that shows a fantastic pic in a darkened ("Light controlled") room with a few lights on but think basement with dimmable track lighting not noon upstairs with the lights on. Two best review sites for projectors are: and proj central just did a "low end" 1080p shootout. For my 2c right now a decent street price can be found for the Epson 8350. Buy in the states and bring it across the border. Fairly bright and good picture too.
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