Anyone know a Aircraft supply store? |

Anyone know a Aircraft supply store?


Well-known member
Just like thread says, Im looking for some stuff to safety wire my race bike, Ive seen some wire holders and clips etc etc that i was told was bought at an aircraft supply store.
There's a bunch on Derry Rd, across from Pearson.
The main one used to be Leavens on Derry road but they shut down last summer. I used to buy aircraft hardware for my racecar there.

Only place I know locally to buy safety wire is CSC racing in Newmarket. They sell all types of things for auto racing and they are just north of the Suzuki dealer.
Just like thread says, Im looking for some stuff to safety wire my race bike, Ive seen some wire holders and clips etc etc that i was told was bought at an aircraft supply store.


I recommend the Milbar!

... but if you want economy, Blue Streak Racing
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most motorcycle perf shops have lock wire in stock.

when it comes to the twist pliers, you're kinda SOL if you want good quality for less than a $100. But then again i used to make my living as a aircraft mech so good twist pliers you use everyday was a must.

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