Anyone Interested in a few days in Pennsylvania?

Love Penn, go down there allot.
Was initially interested in this but let me get this straight. Your gonna try and tell a grown man you cant have a beer with his lunch\dinner?
Love Penn, go down there allot.
Was initially interested in this but let me get this straight. Your gonna try and tell a grown man you cant have a beer with his lunch\dinner?

You're gonna get a spanking talking back like that.
Seems like sensible ground rules to me. Last thing one needs is a DWI, a crash, injury/hospitalization, or an unrideable bike hundreds of miles from home. Definitely will be costly and make for an unpleasant experience. Why not safeguard against this scenario as best one can?
Oh yeah - the buffer zone.

I'll save it for those interested. It seemed to have escaped you, so I'll ensure anyone else gets it before I have anyone else up my butt. Nice to hear from you.
Oh yeah - the buffer zone.

I'll save it for those interested. It seemed to have escaped you, so I'll ensure anyone else gets it before I have anyone else up my butt. Nice to hear from you.

Why not just post your rules, why do you have to save it? It's nothing to be embarrassed about, but I believe you should be upfront about what you expect of someone when they want to ride with you.

This is a forum, there is no extra charge for more words per post :D
Why not just post your rules, why do you have to save it? It's nothing to be embarrassed about, but I believe you should be upfront about what you expect of someone when they want to ride with you.

This is a forum, there is no extra charge for more words per post :D

These are his rules for group riding, enjoy!

I think it's worth a new thread. Just to make some things clear, like riding styles and behavior. I AM A FIXED OLD FART. SO THESE ARE IMPORTANT TO ME.

Style is most important. I never ride "Staggered." In traffic, I take a whole lane like a car or a truck. If we are bogged down in traffic, have to stop for a pee or gas or food, then I expect to see other riders. OTHERWISE, I ride ALONE Period. Others on the trip can be ahead or behind me - but I don't want to see them. Once on the open road, I want to see neither headlights nor tail lights.

Ideally, we ride about 1 minute to 1.5 minutes apart. I always pull over AFTER a turn - about 100 to 150 yards after the turn - gives the rider in front time to see my light so he can take off and ensures the rider behind me will not be lost, cause I'll be there.
Reason - I'm 65 years old - some I used to ride with will never see 65 and I never talk about it, I just adjusted my style..

If anyone goes down he waits for a minute or a minute and a half before he gets help - but he doesn't take anone else down.
If anyone gets a ticket, same reasoning, except I'll see you later - it's your ticket.
If anyone breaks down, I'll wait until your CAA/AAA arrives - then they take care of you. No CAA/AAA Coverage? You are on your own - bye!
Whenever and wherever we meet, we meet with full tanks and empty bladders. If someone has a time management problem, he rides more alone than planned.
Meeting up is not the time to get to know each other. We can do that at lunch and when stopped for gas/pee.

We agreed to meet at Fort Erie Duty Free at 11:00. We leave within 5 minutes - so if you want to do anything beside "meet" better get there early.

You are adequately licensed - for slab and night time riding, and you can show it.
You have health insurance above and beyond OHIP if going to the States
Blue Cross, CAA or whatever - and you can show it
You have a Passport - you will have to show it at the border.

Behavior: No screwing around. If you can wheelie or stoppie or twirlie, then do it in front of the cop shop - they will be impressed. Me? Unless you are Chris Pfeiffer, I'm walking away from you.

No alcohol unless the bike is under the cover for the night. Want a beer while you eat? I don't eat with you. Simple as that. I like my beer. I don't like yours. I only drink at night.

I stay at motels. I like to return to the same places in peace. Rowdiness of any kind is unacceptable. There is no excuse for ruining anyone else's good time. Having a good time should be at no one else's expense.

QUIZ: Why do I never need hand signals?

Answer in the thread and make your own comments.

I'm not really a Bastard, I just act and sound like one.
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"Paddling the school better believe thats a paddlin' "
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