I'm just curious as to what your experience with it has been and what needed the most maintenance/repair. More interested in LM than EM.
I did work for a guy who owned a fleet of Vettes....and one Corvair with a 500 hp 355 small block in the back of it....he lived in Paris, and passed away since. Rumour is that his wife sold all the cars the week after his death.
I'll most likely acquire one this weekend. Looks good, great parts support. Every single thing available online through Clark's Corvair and few other websites.
If Mustang didn't kill it right before the oil crisis, there would be Corvairs still around. Americans with their bigger is better mentality ...
I'm not sure the mustang or the oil crisis killed the Corvair. It was plagued with as many issues as its replacement junk car the Fiero. My Uncle is San Fransisco was a collector and had both EM and LM. I spent the longest weekend of my life driving the hills in San Fran with a 4cyl bad clutch beauty. He said each that he owned had unique issues , electrical and cooling but rust was the common theme.
I had one as a field car back in the early 70s, it took a lot of abuse before it died.