anyone have experience with speed fines in Italy?


Well-known member
Just got back from a little europe trip which included a few days driving around Italy in a rental car. Beautiful winding roads through the mountains enspire speeding and I expect I most likely missed a few of those Autovelox (automated speed cameras) so I most likely have a few speed fines coming my way.

From what I understand the rental car company gets the fine and passes on an administration fee to your credit card for giving the polizie your info then you get the fines in the mail from the italian police.

Does anyone have experience with these fines? I plan to completely ignore them since theres no reciprocity between Italy and Ontario. I was originally going to cancel my CC to avoid the admin fee from the rental co. but from what I understand this won't work because they already have authorization from when I signed the rental agreement?
I received a ticket a year later for an illegal u-turn in Rome. I think the ticket was 80-90 Euro, none the less, I paid it. I do plan on returning and didn't want any issues.
Cancelling your credit card won't work.... first youve already signed giving them the right to take what you owe them... and second should you be able to cancel your card in time to avoid the fee, guess who'll be getting a few nice letters in the mail... one possibly from the Italian police. I would hate to see what it would be like crossing the border with that on your record.
I received a ticket in Italy some time ago while touring Florence on a scooter. The ticket came via "registered mail" except Canada post mailed the signed portion to my address instead of the polizia. So.... I never actually received the ticket.

Haven't had to worry about it and certainly i don't expect any issues travelling through Italy or the EU. Getting another driving infraction in Italy might be a sticky situation but I'm not concerned.
We got a parking ticket in Rome in a rental and my wife insisted we pay it. The guy behind the counter almost ****** himself laughing as it was the first time a he had dealt with a tourist that actually payed up.
We got a parking ticket in Rome in a rental and my wife insisted we pay it. The guy behind the counter almost ****** himself laughing as it was the first time a he had dealt with a tourist that actually payed up.

Probably a good idea that you payed it, parking tickets get passed on directly to your credit card from the rental company plus a hefty admin fee from the rental co.

I got two parking tickets while there, I don't expect to get out of paying those haha

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