Anyone have experience adding a reverse gear to a bike engine? |

Anyone have experience adding a reverse gear to a bike engine?


Active member
I'm looking at a few kit built cars, and most are powered by motorcycle engines (typically, inline 4s from sportbikes).

The problem I'm seeing, is that most of the cars don't have reverse gears, and it seems like it's not very easy to add reverse.

Found a few dedicated reverse motors online which can be added, although all seem pretty expensive.

Does anyone have experience with this, and can you share any info you might have?

This is the nicest I've seen. Ring gear mounted on diff and electric starter motor.



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CrusinGirl can make your transmission work in reverse.
I don't know how she did it, but it's possible.
5 speeds in reverse if i'm not mistaken.
Maybe she can take the conversation over from here. :D
GL1800's (Goldwings) have some kind of electrical assisted reverse, maybe look into how that works.
+1 for a starter motor driven reverse. Simple solution that doesn't leave you stranded if your back yard engineering goes south.
GL1800's (Goldwings) have some kind of electrical assisted reverse, maybe look into how that works.

It uses the starter motor.Not sure how.Engine has to be running with the tranny in neutrel.

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