Anyone have a weestrom with trax cases or givi E41's


New member
1) traX 45 litre non exhaust side 37 litre exhaust side with the sw-motech mounting brackets (evo removable frames)2) Givi E41's with PLXR532 racks.If you have these or anything close a total mounted width measurement would be awesome and how they worked would for you would be helpful. Thanks,Dan
I have the Givi set up on my SV. I know it's not exactly the same as what you are asking, but a gentleman at work has the Givi rack on his DL650. In terms of configuration, they look just about identical. The only difference I note is the mounting on the passenger pegs as I think the SV and DL have different passenger pegs.

In any case, the Givi rack itself increases the overall width by no more than a few inches. The bars have maybe a 1" gap to the plastic on the rear sub-frame and the bars themselves are around 1/2" I think.

I think I may have the E40 cases. They are basically black suitcases on the "monokey" system. When mounted, they are fairly wide (eliminates lane filtering). However, they fit a lot of stuff. Until I dragged one of the cases getting excited in a turn, and dropped the bike (while camping) on the same side, the case was fully waterproof. The other one (after 43K kms) is still a reliable tight seal.

I really like the Givi Monokey system and the saddle bags. For road trips, they are just awesome.
I have the Pl532 racks with E21 Monkeys. More than big enough for daily use or trips with the topbox. I played with a DL1000 with E36 but didn't like the hugh feeling with the bigger bags. I got mine off Ebay from a shop in Calgary $331delivered for all. The Left side rack would not take the bag. I tried both bags and only the left side gave me problems. I ended up installing the latch in the bag and then put the screws in the latch. No problems since but I have not taken the bag off since.

Try They have lots of options and are very helpful.
I have the DL650 with the Givi E41's on PL532 racks. I don't have the width measurement handy but the set-up is great. The bottom link suggests that it is 111cm/43.7".

I like that the bags come off in 1second and I also really use the smaller access via combination lock - so I don't always have to use the key. They are totally waterproof and have held up well from a few spills. Many riders have reportedly gone down hard with this set-up with little damage to either the bags or bike. I also expected them to affect handling at speed more, but after a while I don't even know they are there, even while travelling above 120km/hr.
The two downsides for me are that I think the E41's look too big for the bike, and they shorten the allowable space for the passenger's feet on the footpegs - but they are still fine - the ball of the foot can not go on the pegs, but more towards the middle of the foot instead.

I picked up mine (gently used) for $350 off Craigslist for everything. I lucked out and it was about $500 less than Dualsportplus - which is where I was going to buy my bags from before I came across this find. Otherwise, twisted throttle may offer some good prices with the strength of our dollar:

Picture without bags:

Picture with bags:

Here's some info you may find useful on width measurements:

edit: I noticed that rick123 is selling Givi racks (on Stromtrooper) that are suitable for the E41's - not sure if they are the pl532's or not, but I would guess they must be. He asking $100, so there's a bit of coin saved if you go the way of Givi.
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I have the GIVI racks on my Wee, with E36's mounted. The racks are very rigid and were's all that difficult to install (get everything together with all the bolts loose, then snug everything down)

The racks need a little touchup paint from time to time to cover small blooms of corrosion, but I don't spend much time cleaning my 'Strom.
Thanks for the help. Went with Givi E41's on the SW-MOTECH Evo racks. Built spacers at work to centre them. All ready to head to Tennessee.
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