Anybody else not happy with Mother Nature? |

Anybody else not happy with Mother Nature?


Well-known member
What is going on with this nonstop rain everywhere in the world... how can we ride like this. Insurance must be having a laugh, pay to keep the motorcycle parked.

I just bought new rain gear. I'll be damned if it's going to stop me!!! no time like the present to put the new tires and rain suit through a real world feild test
I dunno about you, I still ride everyday. Sometimes it's just for a half hour or so, but a little rain ain't going to stop me. :)
I dunno about you, I still ride everyday. Sometimes it's just for a half hour or so, but a little rain ain't going to stop me. :)

No doubt...if we only rode on weekends, when it's sunny, above 10 degrees and no wind....we'd get about 5 days of riding a year.
Don't forget, riding in the rain will improve your skill level ten fold!!
I went to Scarborough to visit my brother yesterday. I got stuck riding home in the rain. I wasn't ready riding 401 back to ajax so I took Kingston rd. My JR Ballistic suit kept me dry for the most part except my arms and shoulders. My helmet also fogged up a bit too much. What's the best solution for HJC fogging? Anyways, I now feel comfortable riding to work in just about any weather thanks to this experience. Ride safe.
A soon as I have my new front tire installed I'll ride under that rain. For now, it's parked. I'm not going outside with less than 1mm of thread on my front tire....I guess we'll have a ****** summer!
I lift my faceshield one click open. That lets the air flow and prevent it from fogging. It works well for me.

^^ x2... or breathe through your nose slowly :)
but for a 90$ HJC helmet can't go wrong. looking to buy a new helmet sometime soon, don't want to spend a fortune just for the brand name, but would like something interesting looking...
I in fact love this weather! I'm working on my bike and when it's sunny... everyone else is riding but me. So, I enjoy this weather :p However, rain or not, I'd still ride. It's just a lil rain!
I've ridden in snow, it is no fun.

Thursday I rode to work, and got hit with the 20% chance of rain on the new bike.
Friday it was 60% chance of rain, had to go to work, so I figured the cage would do it. The 40% sun shone all day.

This weekend I gave up and did other things, and tomorrow too much stuff to haul into work (bake sale and supplies picked up on Friday on the way home) to fit on the bike, so if it's raining it won't bother me.

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