hi i'm quite new to red wine. always drank beer or vodka. so i tasted a $20 bottle of wine then tried a $500 bottle. frankly both taste the same to me. why the price difference? or will my taste become more sensitive the more i drink?
or will my taste become more sensitive the more i drink?
hi i'm quite new to red wine. always drank beer or vodka. so i tasted a $20 bottle of wine then tried a $500 bottle. frankly both taste the same to me. why the price difference? or will my taste become more sensitive the more i drink?
Best thing I did was attend a wine seminar at the Food & Beverage show years ago. Learning about the wines is a bit dry but what I took away from it has saved me thousands of dollars. The idea at one of these seminars is to sample each variety of wine and you note what you like and dislike while learning about it. Once you nail down what red/white wine you like (that is, Shiraz, Merlot, Pinot, Chardonnay, etc) you then know at least what type you like and what direction to go in once you are at the LCBO.
So at least you know what type you like, then you get to have fun of trying all the different regions that produce that type. This is a life experience, not something you learn at the seminar although they do advise you which regions are better known for the grape type.
You will be amazed that some of the lower cost products offered in a grape type may be the ones you enjoy the most.