Any RMX owners out here?


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I just picked up a 1996 Suzuki RMX 250 thats Blue Plated, traded straight for a yamaha phazer snowmobile. Been years since I have ridden a dirt bike...I actually might even put it on the road.

Whats the good bad and ugly on these bikes?


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Whats the good bad and ugly on these bikes?

I bought one to get back into of road riding back in '96. Mine was a '94 with inverted forks.

As I recall it was a pretty good bike at the time, though I found its handling a bit twitchy at higher speeds and over long whooped out sections. It also used to "fall in" in corners. I put a steering damper on it and that helped but I always felt like I was fighting the bike. I moved up to a 99 KTM 300 EXC and all the issues disappeared.

When I sold mine it was ready for wheel berrings and swing arm berrings. Those are the only weak points that I recall.
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