Any paralegals on the board? or newbie lawyers? need to sue someone


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I have to sue someone and file an injunction to stop them for doing certain activity that will affecting my business. They signed a contract saying they would not do this and now are going to do this.

Anyways, it's a very easy case. I have all the paperwork. I don't want to hire an expensive lawyer so if anyone of you just graduated law school and need a case shoot me a PM. If any of you are experienced paralegals please send me a PM to discuss.

I use to work at a law firm and often a mean threatening (to sue) letter with a law firm letterhead would do the job. That might be all you need to get their attention. If so, you could actually fabricate your own bogus law firm letter if you want to try something without spending any money.
I use to work at a law firm and often a mean threatening (to sue) letter with a law firm letterhead would do the job. That might be all you need to get their attention. If so, you could actually fabricate your own bogus law firm letter if you want to try something without spending any money.

I already had a real lawyer who did work for me with relation to the contract send them a letter threatening legal action. They are scum and don't care if they screw over anyone to make a dollar.
Get anyone NOT a Newbit. I'm a paralegal (not in private practice) but I would recommend you pay a little more and get someone, either Paralegal or Lawyer, WITH experience.

Even if you have everything and it's a simple procedure, lack of experience can royally screw you if they don't know what they're doing.

If so, you could actually fabricate your own bogus law firm letter if you want to try something without spending any money.

And you can get charged with fraud and be investigated by the LSUC if you really want to do this. *rolls eyes*
You get what you pay for. I trust signed contracts as much as I trust traffic lights. Common outs are "I signed under duress, threat"
Some cable company lost a bundle a year or so over the placement of a comma. Scumballs always have an angle to work.
You get what you pay for. I trust signed contracts as much as I trust traffic lights. Common outs are "I signed under duress, threat"
Some cable company lost a bundle a year or so over the placement of a comma. Scumballs always have an angle to work.

Not really. The other party's lawyer even said in writing that their party is liable etc...
Get anyone NOT a Newbit. I'm a paralegal (not in private practice) but I would recommend you pay a little more and get someone, either Paralegal or Lawyer, WITH experience.

Even if you have everything and it's a simple procedure, lack of experience can royally screw you if they don't know what they're doing.

And you can get charged with fraud and be investigated by the LSUC if you really want to do this. *rolls eyes*

Do you have any recommendations for paralegals? I'd prefer one with experience. Lawyers might be too expensive.
Now we know why you USED to work at a Law firm!!!

Ha! It was one of those accident claim law firms like Diamond & Diamond!! You know, one of those real classy establishments! J/K.

Really though my point was that a threatening letter usually does the trick.. I guess if these guys already ignored that it doesnt matter anyway. They either don't think they are in the wrong or they have no sense. Im just thinking of what can be done that won't cost a lot of money.
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