Any original connie owners? (Kawasaki Concours)

a motorcycle as a WEDDING gift??? WOW!! Where can I find a woman like that?

When you're as handsome, handy and "endowed" as I am... It shouldn't be a problem. :cool:

I'll add bit a little bit of luck is also helpful... She's not one of these wives that thinks she's 100% in charge.
How many guys do you know who use the excuse "I'd buy this or that or do this or that, but the wife wouldn't approve"...?

Well luckily... That's not me.

Hell... When I went to pick up the FJR from the dealer she was the one that went to the bank to get me a draft for the $20k.
Had a red one a while back. Might still be a member of COG.
It had been customized with speakers put in the dash, and a large maple leaf on the front, with a CD changer under the seat.
I didn't like the new screen, so I cut a new one for it.
Got well acquainted with Murphs, and put some farkles on it, although I didn't put a cruise control.
Tupperware was sometimes a pain to pull off and on when change plugs, oil etc. Bought some stainless bolts for it.
Was a nice bike, and comfy for both of us, but check the GVWR on it.
I seem to recall it being lower than I expected. ST & FJR might be the same.
I ended up giving it to my brother-in-law when I got the Wee. He ended up selling it for his kid's education, he said.
My neighbour had one. I hated it.
I expected it to have power down low like a Wing, but it's got a ZX motor... so I was constantly revving the snot out of it... COOL now we're doing warp speed on a bus.
It had starting problems, which I understand is common. A $300 junction box OR a couple of $2 mini relays and a soldering iron fixed that.
They're pretty bullet proof, the rear shock sucks, the body work is flimsy but cheap and plentiful, easy to work on.
Had mine 14 years. I'll never sell it, due to the low technology situation. A bit cumbersome with a full gas tank, but you get used to that. I can ride comfortably down to -10 degress celcius, but it's an oven above 30 degrees, and only a Wing has better wind protection.
I'd forget about the Connie. If you're looking for an older tech sport touring bike look at a Honda ST1100 or early model ST1300. Dead reliable, good build quality and reasonable handling. Incredible owner support groups at ST-Owners and ST-Riders for both bikes.

I had my ST1100 for 18 years and 130,000 km, great bike, no regrets.
One of my riding buddies has an ST1300. 200+km, only repair was a driveshaft ujoint. Not in the same performance class as an older FJR or late model Connie, but definitely a performance tourer.

downside is they are like riding a furnace, nice when it’s cold out, brutal this time of year, even on the highway.
Just spent 11 days on a 94 conny. 8980 kms, no issues what so ever, bike was made for long distances. Yes, like any other inline 4 it can get warm in heavy traffic. It's a little top heavy with a full tank, but you get used to it. And as far as the handlebar buzz goes, it's no worse than any other inline 4.


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how are the ergos compared to the adventure styled tracer?
-you lean forward more
-shorter handlebar with grips angled inwards a bit more
-much lower center of gravity, tipping it side to side felt like it was the same weight as mine even though it weighs around 150-175 pounds more
-seat 1.1 inches closer to the ground
-footrests higher up, or at least closer to the seat, giving a sharper knee bend (that was the only difference I didn't like)

On my tracer you feel like you're sitting on top of the bike, vs. more IN the bike like on this Kawi. I do like that. I don;t think of my Tracer as an ADV bike at all, for starters it doesn't have the right tires, or enough ground clearance, and 1st gear isn't low enough.
More proof that I'm weird: I am unsure about the looks of this bike (too Ninja-ish) when I am looking at photos. But in person I do like it. WTH?
More proof that I'm weird: I am unsure about the looks of this bike (too Ninja-ish) when I am looking at photos. But in person I do like it. WTH?
makes sense, you get a real sense of scale in relation to your body in person, that you dont from pictures etc

saw the new tuono 660 in person recently, I knew it was light, but for all that power and torque, its tiny, like ninja 250 size.
More proof that I'm weird: I am unsure about the looks of this bike (too Ninja-ish) when I am looking at photos. But in person I do like it. WTH?
Maybe I'm weird but the looks grew on me pretty quickly

Sent from my Redmi 7A using Tapatalk
Maybe I'm weird but the looks grew on me pretty quickly

Sent from my Redmi 7A using Tapatalk
how many miles?
What year?
2005 with 51k km. These bikes have crappy resale value, but luckily I'm not looking to sell.

Sent from my Redmi 7A using Tapatalk
2005 with 51k km. These bikes have crappy resale value, but luckily I'm not looking to sell.

Sent from my Redmi 7A using Tapatalk
wow, I thought it was an 80s bike!
2005 with 51k km. These bikes have crappy resale value, but luckily I'm not looking to sell.

Sent from my Redmi 7A using Tapatalk
The gold looks nice. If you have the OEM windscreen, can you comment on whether you get any buffeting around the helmet? Thanks!
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