Any Niagara College (Welland) Grads?


Well-known member
My wife and I are considering taking the course this fall, anyone have any input on the course/facility? We may have to ride to the course on Saturday and Sunday, not looking forward to leaving a bike unattended for the day.
I am an instructor there, your bike will be fine there. You can see the lot you will park on from the lot you will be training on. Nobody will touch your bike.
I took the course there in October '12, great instructors, they know what they're talking about, and will teach you well. The only people that didn't pass were the people who aren't paying attention during the course or the people who honestly had no place being on a motorcycle
I took the class there in may this year. The instructors were good and I wouldn't worry about the bikes. Just keep in mind almost all the test events are timed so don't go too slow as the points from going too slow can add up fast. Just pay attention to what the instructors teach you and you will be fine.
If you are considering riding there, recognize that you will have a two full days of instruction that are pretty mentally and physically draining. Sometimes going home in the relative comfort of a car is preferred. Your choice, enjoy the course :)

You will get over the abandonment/separation issues with your bikes. There are less people looking to mess with or steal your bike than you think. If you only feel comfortable going to placeson your bike that you can keep your bike in site, you will miss a great numberof destinations that you can get to on your bike.
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