Any fishermen here?


Well-known member
Looking to get a gift for my sisters boyfriend for christmas. I do not know the guy well, she is going to school down in PA where he lives. He had mentioned he liked those telescopic fishing rods. I know virtually jack all about the equipment, fishing for me has been a rod and worm. I was looking at these two, they are in the price range I want to spend ($100). Are these decent? I do not want some cheep junk rod, but something he would actually use.
Any of those 2 are fine. The quality of graphite will make a difference in price but application is subjective. For example. an IM7 rod (first one) is lighter and more sensitive but not as durable as an IM6 (the 2nd one). However an IM6 is more durable but not as sensitive. I assume the reason why someone would want a telescopic rod is for travelling or ease of portability - so IM7 (the first one) is fine and has a case and reel to boot. Note: the 2nd one can be had for $5.00 less at Canadian Tire...if that matters to you.

I would not get the telescopic rod,a friend broke his fast,makes my choice easy as i have never owned that type of rod.
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