Any Computer Geniuses on here?


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For my GoPro I bought a new Sandisk 8 GB SDHC card for and tossed my old one which was only 2GB. My computer won't recognize the new card as it states on some websites that computers prior to 2005 won't recognize the SDHC (HC = High Capacity). format. Yet people with brand new computers are experiencing the same issue with Sandisk cards. Sandisk doesn't offer any help or suggestions other than "buy a new Sandisk card reader." Yet some people have done this and still their operating system won't recognize the Sandisk card. Anyone run into this problem? I have some great footage now trapped on this card that I can't get at it!
What you are reading is true - many older SD card readers, built-in or external, can not read SDHC cards. Also if you are still using Windows XP, it may require a hotfix to be able to read SDHC cards even if the reader supports it. This is the hotfix in question:

Have you tried just plugging in the GoPro with a USB cable and transferring video off that way?
Your problem is most likely your card reader.

Old card readers DO NOT read HC cards only standard SD cards (so anything greater than 4GB is a nono).

Just buy a external memory card reader and be done with it (Most of them support > 4 GB nowadays).
Like Twisted said, the GoPro works as an external card reader anyway. Just plug in the USB cable and turn it on, bam, should pop up in Windows like any other USB drive.
Thank you Twisted and others! Spent two hours reading on this mess only to find that you have to buy a new card reader. And even some that did buy the new reader still had problems reading Sandisk. Has Sandisk gone proprietary? They must not be making enough on memory cards, so get everyone to buy a new reader? I'm used to plugging my card straight into my computer and transferring files in seconds. Forgot all about the GoPro USB capability and forgot where the box was. Found it and all is well now. Thanks again! :-)
Connecting the gopro via usb works but the gopro is a bit of a slow card reader. Still recommend getting a standalone card reader that supports SDHC (or SDXC nowadays).
It's not a Sandisk problem. It's a compatibility problem between SD and SDHC.
I've never had a problem on any of my devices with SDHC except when using SanDisk cards. I don't buy them anymore after having 2-3 of them randomly corrupt themselves. On the other hand, the Kingston cards I have have never gone belly up.
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