Another step towards 1984


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June 22, 2011 – Proposed "Lawful Access" bills would require telecom providers in Canada to hand over personal information to authorities without a warrant or judicial oversight, says The bills go beyond violating the civil liberties of Canadians, says - it will also hurt their pocketbooks. Canadians will literally pay a high price for Lawful Access, as ISPs are forced to upgrade their infrastructure to allow terabytes of data to be made accessible to a range of "authorities".

"Every single provincial privacy commissioner has spoken against this bill," says’s Executive Director, Steve Anderson. "Law-abiding Canadians should be able to use the Internet and mobile devices without Big Telecom and government looking over their shoulders.

I'm definitely signing the petition at So should anyone who'd like to keep their private business private.. Even if you have nothing to hide :cool:
Make sure to spread it around on other forums frequented by Canadians and send it to your friends/family who don't frequent forums. That is assuming that you don't like to be spied on without cause, that you don't like paying even more for your Internet access and that you enjoy having a little bit of privacy :cool:
This is pretty important, but I'm (we're?) getting desensitized to your crying wolf every 15 minutes about some sort of conspiracy or other, FWIW.
There are never any conspiracies. Ever. You are just crying wolf. We should all ignore the laws and legislations that have been passed, and are being passed that limit our ability to live in privacy, and include the intervention of government in our everyday endeavours. After all, why would any insanely rich people want to stay in power, and have control over people? Never in the history of our existance has anybody ever tried to dominate, enslave, or master the world. Ever. So stop crying wolf, because clearly, nobody anywhere ever conspires to subjugate another to his will. After all, if that was the case, we would all just band up together and be rid of our oppressors, right? But not immediately, first we'd have to let Game of Thrones finish all their seasons, because I would so much rather be watching that, than actually defending my sovereignty. That requires less work. I'll leave the defending and dominating to people who have more broader interests than my own selfish existance.
Forwarded it to my work colleagues (we're all massive internet users) and I signed the petition.
Yeah that would suck if someone could be watching me while I'm watching her take her clothes off. Kinda creepy. :D
This is pretty important, but I'm (we're?) getting desensitized to your crying wolf every 15 minutes about some sort of conspiracy or other, FWIW.

Maybe because there are lots of wolves in our neck of the woods? :cool:
You know that you have a prolem when The Globe is also cryin' wolf :shock:

Ottawa to contract out spying, but who cares? It's only the Internet

Imagine that, because you're pressed for time, you take a cab to the library. The cab driver is obliged by law to install a device that will monitor where he takes you. While in the cab, you call your friend to talk about your day. The phone company is obliged to track whom you talk to and for how long.

At the library, you speak to a librarian, who jots down your query, because legally he must. He directs you to a specific shelf, and notes that too; each book you open will be recorded as well. Later, you see a film. The theatre notes which one, as it has to.

Now imagine that you're that cab driver, phone company or movie theatre. You're a private business, yet you're obliged, in order to avoid a fine or even imprisonment, to store this information about any of your clients (at your own expense) if a peace officer requests that you do so.

That officer needs only a “preservation demand” for this, and getting one is easy. It doesn't involve a warrant – he just needs to be curious.

Carnivore was owning all your megabites back in the 90's

Narus Insight stepped that up in the mid 2000's

Eshelon continues to improve the tech today.....

This is just the simple progression of things.

The NSA intercepted messages about a pending $200-million telecommunications deal between Indonesia and a Japanese satellite manufacturer. George Bush intervened on the basis of the intelligence intercept and convinced the Indonesians to split the contract between the Japanese and U.S.-owned AT&T.

That happened in 1990. Doesn't look like anything to do with national security or crime prevention does it?

So, they (US CAN GBR AUS NZ) are doing this because they can and have been for decades.

Good luck with your petition.

Check this site out. Best to double up on your tinfoil hat while there.
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So why allow them to do it without any repercussions? The more rights we officially give up now, the more we will have to give up tomorrow. That doesn't even factor in the increased cost of my telecommunications services because the providers will have to guard all that juicy data that the government wants. Of course, they'll pass those costs onto me.. If the government picks up the tab, the costs will also be picked up by you and I.. So we have to pay more money so the government can spy on us better. TYVM, but I'll take a pass on that one with a side of F/U for our glorious leader.
So why allow them to do it without any repercussions?


What repercussions?

How are you going to "Take a pass on it" other than not having a phone or internet?

If you had terminal cancer an online petition would do as much to get rid of it as it will to stop the government exploiting information you give up.

They know you all are powerless to do anything but cry into the big jar of internet tears. Just like when they stand in the window cracking jokes about the protesters that have zero effect on their confrences and summits.

Eventually someone gets their skull opened or arrested and their life becomes that much worse because they thought their attention whoring would change the world.

Wait till we get facial recognition camers installed on every corner of every major intersection. Then you really see how far this is going.

And yes, I pulled a security gig when I was in SOFCOM where that was one of the topics for discussion. Nobody seemd to be against that at all.
When there is enough awareness raised and people care enough about the issue, they can be loud enough to let the government know that they won't stand for that ****. So how would you propose to change the world through legal and democratic means?
You my friend are a dreamer. This population is full of cowards that want someone to do something but they won't get off their ***** to do it. It will always be somebody else do something, not I am going to do something.

Honestly, what have you done to make any change beside posting the obvious on the internet?

You don't change the world through democratic means unless you hold the reigns of power in that democracy. Even then, in a country so young as Canada you are still very much influenced by the power countries and will bend to their will regardless of even your own wants or needs. You think nationally like it stops in Canadas parliment.

Anyway, you, little proll, are ment to work, consume and then die.

The only option is through strength of violence.

It's pretty much a given that there will never be that here in Canada since someone getting shoved generates about a year of tears and nothing more.

Face it. Nobody has the guts to do anything. It's a country filled with fat apathetic slobs who take it. They are only ever going to be brave behind their keyboards. It's quite obvious when you read how much hate and rage can come from someones opinion yet never from a circle of people standing and talking face to face in real time.

Waste you time on helping people that are misfortunate (through no means of their own self doing) or support research for disease.

That's something you can actually make a difference in.

Out of curiosity, were you born here, and if not, where?
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I figured as much, but preaching anything other than democratic means could be interpreted as "sedition," which would be a serious charge.. Ironically, with our gun laws (hell, even a shovel can be interpreted as a "weapon"), rise of technological means to control the population and laws like this used to implement them, what you're hinting at will only become more difficult. Hell, even in countries where people aren't afraid of taking a walk and raising a bit of hell, they managed to pass some pretty messed up laws along these lines.

I was born in Eastern Europe and even in my early teens, I stood toe to toe with riot police, owned by a pretty dictatorial figure. My family moved here in hopes of finding freedom and democracy. I even believed in that crap a while back. Not so much these days.
Funny but I am much like you. Replace Croatia with Northern Ireland and add five years.

Difference is I joined the machine and see it from the inside.

I would support that strength of violence thing I was on about but not for the sake of it happening without a viable solution to follow.

And not in the next few years under my current employer... obviously.

It's the world that is turning and not nessisarily Canada.

The solution comes from the fear of global access and is played off as security. They prey on peoples fears to force them into accepting things like this by presenting a real (or false) threat and the people give in to it.

If the "Freedom" loving Yanks can give up their rights so easily then anyone can.
That's something I can agree with you on.. There's no obvious solution to what's going on and no cause really worth fighting for, so the best one can do is get a bit of truth out there. Even if we fixed everything we could here in Canada, we're still on this planet. Makes one curious (*) about what the Chinese are gonna do when they take over.. As long as it doesn't involve genocide or outright slavery, it can't be much worse than the direction we're heading in right now :cool:

(*) Curious, but not optimistic.. The biggest problem with every political system ever invented is that it's run by humans (and you can quote me on that one)

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