Another new Kawasaki based Bimota

IMS makes all kinds of replacement fuel tanks.
I don't think I'd trust IMS after the experience many SXV owners had over their tanks. They seemed great at first, willing to make a large 20L tank for our bikes, but after problems surfaced with leaking, instead of fixing the problem, they discontinued it and destroyed the mold. They did honor their warranty, but you just ended up with another tank from the same mold. Doesn't give me the warm and fuzzies for any of their other tanks.
A lot of dirt bikes have beige tanks. The translucent beige allows you to see the fuel level in the tank from the outside since most dirt bikes don't have fuel gauges.
I like the visible gas level but I'm with relax on the styling. Maybe something to leave a sight line without the whole tank looking like a booger would work. Even some disposable oil bottles have a mostly opaque bottle with a translucent window to check level.
Speaking of which, the profile of that tank looks suspiciously like either an Acerbis or IMS aftermarket jobbie...
I suppose that's what I was getting at - I absolutely didn't think they made their own, so they would have had a bunch of choices and picked the ugliest. But most practical.
I like the visible gas level but I'm with relax on the styling. Maybe something to leave a sight line without the whole tank looking like a booger would work. Even some disposable oil bottles have a mostly opaque bottle with a translucent window to check level.


I've never seen a dirt bike tank like that (probably because of cost and complexity), so I opted to put a bigger booger on my enduro...



I've never seen a dirt bike tank like that (probably because of cost and complexity), so I opted to put a bigger booger on my enduro...

I have nothing against an aftermarket booger. I expect bimota to be sexy out of the crate.
I have nothing against an aftermarket booger. I expect bimota to be sexy out of the crate.

Are Bimotas generally sexy though?

I've always been under the impression that most of them are weird-looking.

Here's a sampling:




Even the older Tesis, which I like (mainly because of the HCS), are a bit odd-ball:


For me, the Bimotas that *I* think are good-looking are the DBx and BBx line-ups. And even then, most people wouldn't agree with me:


I see the “new Bimota” most years stated online but maybe it’s a Euro thing because I don’t know where you could actually purchase one. I also don’t see how they sell enough to stay in business.
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