Another airliner is missing |

Another airliner is missing

It's Putin's fault!!! :cool:

On a serious note, I hope it made a safe water landing and all the passengers/crew will be rescued.
Another airliner missing? Aren't those expensive?
Some subjects are just not joking matters. This is one of them. Whatever the outcome, I sincerely hope this plane is located. Everyone needs answers and closure :(
Some subjects are just not joking matters. This is one of them. Whatever the outcome, I sincerely hope this plane is located. Everyone needs answers and closure :(

Context sweetie. Did you see funeral coverage of two slain officers New York? Joe Biden, former mayor Rudy Guiliani and other dignitaries grinning their fool heads off when not in the "moment". Also closure? That's a cliche, nobody gets closure. Locating the plane? Nailed it!
Context sweetie. Did you see funeral coverage of two slain officers New York? Joe Biden, former mayor Rudy Guiliani and other dignitaries grinning their fool heads off when not in the "moment". Also closure? That's a cliche, nobody gets closure. Locating the plane? Nailed it!

The thread topic is/was about another missing airliner; not the funeral coverage. But, I'm certainly not surprised by your response. Bottom line, I hope this plane is at least located.
Some subjects are just not joking matters. This is one of them.

The thread topic is/was about another missing airliner; not the funeral coverage. But, I'm certainly not surprised by your response. Bottom line, I hope this plane is at least located.

I'm a buffoon to be sure but you'll agree proximity plays a role in these matters. Imagine if you took every tragedy you here about to heart. You'd go insane, you wouldn't have the capacity to deal with it.
I'm a buffoon to be sure but you'll agree proximity plays a role in these matters. Imagine if you took every tragedy you hear about to heart. You'd go insane, you wouldn't have the capacity to deal with it.

I'll agree with that statement. And, I fixed it for you.

For the record, I personally don't take every tragedy I hear about to heart. And I certainly don't find humour in them either, 'sweetie' ;)
I'll agree with that statement. And, I fixed it for you.

For the record, I personally don't take every tragedy I hear about to heart. And I certainly don't find humour in them either, 'sweetie' ;)

We're on the record? I hope they find the plane and everybody is ok.
Well its been found, and its not a happy ending. The bodies are being recovered from the ocean.

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