Am I a little paranoid?


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In the many years I've been riding.. I've never ever left my bikes out of my sight for more than 20 minutes. The last two bikes were old, but this one is a 2006 Honda VFR 800.

I mostly take my bike to work and it's parked beside a window that I can see. It's either in my garage or parked here at work.

I've seen a lot of times people taking their bike to movies and leaving them parked there with their helmets. I just don't know how I feel about that! I'm thinking of taking my bike out for a boot to the east end on Sunday and my friend wants to catch a movie so that means I have to leave my bike outside.. and we'll be in Markham/Scarborough.

Am I crazy for feeling unsettled or do most motorcycle thefts only happen in underground parking garages?
Scarborough huh? VFR800 you say?

Uhmm..yea...where will you be leaving this bike, and what time on sunday? ;)
put a two way alarm on it, that might help to comfort u
I would sit beside it with a shotgun and an attitude...

Definitely get a brake lock.
If you are going to meet a buddy out there and go to the movie, why don't you leave your bike in their garage and go to the movies in the same car?
I leave my bike at the movies, I usually park it infront of the theater on the curb/sidewalk area where ppl don't walk. I'm more worried about ppl sitting and/or knocking over my bike. Then again its a sv650 not very desirable in the stolen bike market, either is the vfr they mostly make braisen thefts of supersports. But I understand ur paranoia sometimes I run outside halfway through the movie to check on my baby :p
I am the same way, I live downtown Toronto, I rather take street car when i finish work at 3 am than take my bike to work and be all paranoid and not able to see it!
I feel the same way, I don't like to take my bike to congested places and park it there... (movies, malls, etc...)
When I bring it to work I park it right beside my window where I can prevent anybody from touching/sitting/playing with it...
Call me paranoid if you like, but I enjoy keeping my bike!
Sorry, think you are a little paranoid. Not sure how you can enjoy riding your bike worried about it being stolen the moment you park it somewhere. Just get an alarm, brake lock, gps, etc and make sure it's insured for theft.

At the end of the day it's just a bike. Bikes can be replaced if stolen.
Sorry, think you are a little paranoid. Not sure how you can enjoy riding your bike worried about it being stolen the moment you park it somewhere. Just get an alarm, brake lock, gps, etc and make sure it's insured for theft.

At the end of the day it's just a bike. Bikes can be replaced if stolen.

That's exactly it. I enjoy it when I ride it, not when/if it gets stolen. Can't enjoy it then can I?
When I tour I try to get a park in front motel but sometimes they aren't available. Although I am paranoid I only have two choices. Suck it up knowing I have insurance or stay home and be satisfied with rides to Timmies. Been lucky so far but I ride a Wing.
im so paranoid of people backing their car into my bike. For those of you that always have their bike in sight, have you ever witnessed someone touching moving hitting or what evering your bike?
or what evering your bike?

:) That's a personal thing for my bike and I only!

It seems to be in our nature to be possessive of our possessions. What is deemed too much or too little will vary depending on who youre talking to, and their circumstances.

I probably wouldn't take mine to the movies, unless it was the drive in :P
You gotta go with what makes you comfortable, but if you stop enjoying life for fear of what you might loose when you're not looking, then I'd suggest that you may want to re-evaluate your priorities and/or values.

(Insurance was created for exactly this reason).
You gotta go with what makes you comfortable, but if you stop enjoying life for fear of what you might loose when you're not looking, then I'd suggest that you may want to re-evaluate your priorities and/or values.

(Insurance was created for exactly this reason).

I totally agree with jolomatic, if you dont have theft insurance it's not really worth bying a bike unless if something that people would never steal.
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