Alternative Fuel Bikes? |

Alternative Fuel Bikes?


Well-known member
I know its not the traditional alternative fuel for a bike, but could it be feasible to develop a diesel powered bike? Maybe this has already been done?

I don't profess to know if engineering would allow something like this on a bike platform, but bikes get great milage in most cases now, so diesel powered would be pretty amazing wouldn't it? many more cars are diesel powered in europe so smaller engine technology exists.

The limitations that I see are:
reduced performance?
cost to develop?
fuel smell and driver proximity to the fuel tank

any thoughts? Maybe I am completely off my rocker, but its a slow morning
bestbuy in the USA has some electric bikes, with some better/faster streetfighter ones coming soon, for about 10-13k 200k range. but unfortuently no one will insure them here.
seems unfortunete . I'd want one as a second bike for inner city. 200k is a week of commute on a single charge.
i can't see why it can't be done. honestly though, i think they're just not widely available because the technologies haven't been developed enough yet. once these technologies get thoroughly improved and implemented in cars, i'm sure they'll be expanded into motorcycles too.

the honda clarity runs on a hydrogen fuel cell and has been "tested" by the public since 2006. honda's leasing them in certain places (california was first, also available in japan i think). one of teh biggest problems is where to refuel, as they need to build new infrastucture to deliver fuel.
I know BMW has experimented with diesel motorcycles in the past. But a couple of the limitations you mentioned wouldn't really exist if a company like BMW threw their considerable expertise and money at it. The performance aspect you mention wouldn't be a problem, in Europe the diesel racers rip up the track like there's no tomorrow. In addition if diesel was so disappointing in performance applications Audi wouldn't have even toy'd the possibility of offering a diesel version of the R8 sports car.

As far as the smell is concerned the modernized clean diesels that are in currently available are light years ahead of the old diesel technology of 10-20 years ago. The engines require less fuel and the exhaust can be filtered in such a way as to remove harmful emissions and the smell.

All of this technology could be expensive as you pointed out but a manufacturer can only charge so much for a vehicle intended for the masses before people turn up their nose and walk away.

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