Alberta students to define their own gender


Interesting article and comments

Schools should erase old divides that force students into male and female roles, according to new guidelines released Wednesday by the Alberta government that advise teachers to let kids choose which washroom they want to use and what name appears on their report cards.
A 21-page document, introduced by Education Minister David Eggen, advised educators that students have the right to self-identify when it comes to their gender identity and gender expression.

The practical implications for school operations could prove to be vast and lead to fundamental changes in the way children are educated in Alberta.
Here are five particularly significant components of the new guidelines. We've also included a copy of the entire document at the end.
[h=2]1. Pick your own pronoun[/h] The guidelines advise teachers to address each student by whatever name — and pronoun — that particular student chooses, based on how the student self-identifies.
"All individuals have the right to be addressed by their chosen name and to choose pronouns that align with their gender identity and/or gender expression," the document states.
It goes on to say: "Some individuals may not feel included in the use of the pronouns 'he' or 'she' and may prefer alternate pronouns, such as 'ze,' 'zir,' 'hir,' 'they' or 'them,' or might wish to express themselves or self-identify in other ways (e.g., Mx. instead or Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Miss, or no prefix at all)."
Legal names are still to be used by default for a school's local student information system and on official transcripts, credentials and provincial assessments.
School staff are encouraged to use students' preferred names on a day-to-day basis, however, including on written report cards, and to refrain from attaching "male" or "female" to students' names in school records.
"When creating student/staff lists, school staff ensure gender designations are not included either beside individual names or as a composite number for the group," the document states.
[h=2]2. Play for the boys or girls team[/h] As much as possible, the guidelines call for the elimination of separate activities for students based on gender.
"For example, they avoid structuring courses or activities based on gender-specific roles such as 'boys' versus 'girls' in academic, athletic or talent competitions," the document states.
When it comes to sports teams, in particular, the guidelines say students should be "given the opportunity to participate on the team that reflects their gender identity and expression."
Students who do not feel comfortable in a group setting should also be given the option for "independent study to earn physical education credits," the document advises.
[h=2]3. Use male or female washrooms, or neither[/h] It should be up to each individual whether they use a washroom designated for males or females, according to the guidelines.
Specifically, the document states that students should be "able to access washrooms that are congruent with their gender identity."
In addition, schools are advised to provide at least one "non-gendered, single-stall washroom for use by any student who desires increased privacy, regardless of the reason."
This type of washroom should be also be "easily accessible" and, ideally, schools should provide several such washrooms for all students, staff and visitors to use.
[h=2]4. Pick the change room you prefer[/h] When it comes to change rooms, all students are to have access to "facilities that meet their individual needs and privacy concerns."
This could include a private area with a common change room or a separate area, such as a nearby washroom, for students to use if they don't want to change with the group.
This also applies to any student "who objects to sharing a washroom or change-room with a student who is trans or gender-diverse," or in the event that a parent or caregiver objects on behalf of a child.
In such cases, the student with an objection would be offered an alternative location to change in.
School staff should take a "whole-school approach" to ensuring all students have safe changing spaces, the guidelines advise, including "communicating clear behaviour expectations to all students, increasing adult presence and supervision, and monitoring key areas of the building and grounds."
[h=2]5. Establish gay-straight alliances[/h] Now that gay-straight alliances (GSAs) have been made mandatory at any school where students want one, school staff are advised to support the establishment of the support groups whenever students express an interest in creating one.
It's also to be made clear to students that they have this right.
People in positions of authority over school staff members, themselves, are also advised to "anticipate, support and value staff diversity, including diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions."
Staff should also be supported to serve as a liaison for student-organized support groups such as GSAs, according to the guidelines.
Gotta love leftist liberal views. But I can't wait to sneak in the women's shower in the gym. Should be fun
So glad I went to school in the 70s and 80s. School nowadays sounds so ****ed up.
Washroom, happy place of urination and defecation is last bastion for politically incorrect behaviour. Has the feminist agenda not wrought enough heartache on this once proud land?
Washroom, happy place of urination and defecation is last bastion for politically incorrect behaviour. Has the feminist agenda not wrought enough heartache on this once proud land?

I agree. No one wants to hear the racist and crude diatribes of a group of women. Women's washrooms might as well be Mars. Leave our sanctuary in peace dammit!
But we are talking about kids not adults.

If I understand this article correctly, e.g. girls are showering in their change room then a guy can just step into their shower and so be it conversely a girl can do the same to the guys.
But we are talking about kids not adults.

If I understand this article correctly, e.g. girls are showering in their change room then a guy can just step into their shower and so be it conversely a girl can do the same to the guys.

Stepping into someones personal shower stall will be an invasion of privacy and punishable as such. These won't be the group shower rooms of old highschool gym class. I've been to universities that have had co-ed washrooms and it was no big deal. The local pool has family style changerooms and its no big deal. People will just have a cubicle or stall or do their private businesses and the rest doesn't matter. I don't get the big up roar.
Stepping into someones personal shower stall will be an invasion of privacy and punishable as such. These won't be the group shower rooms of old highschool gym class. I've been to universities that have had co-ed washrooms and it was no big deal. The local pool has family style changerooms and its no big deal. People will just have a cubicle or stall or do their private businesses and the rest doesn't matter. I don't get the big up roar.

Pretty much its a none issue for and a great step for trans or gender dysphoric students.
Pretty much its a none issue for and a great step for trans or gender dysphoric students.

It doesn't give me much hope for some of the male species who's first thoughts are about the creepy, pervy and illegal things they want to do if allowed near a showering female.
It doesn't give me much hope for some of the male species who's first thoughts are about the creepy, pervy and illegal things they want to do if allowed near a showering female.

Well the truth is as we open the gender boundaries we likely will see some abuses of it or attempts (not with school age children however) but it will be few and far between hell its like like the old way ever stopped gross folks from invading other privacy anyway.
I wish I knew what was going on, I'm afraid to read the article.
All I know is Barbie apparently got a make over.

As for ken, he still has no balls.

I think the world is moving to assimilate as all to one. We are all the same. We are all special. We are inclusive.

It would be offensive to be offended so, I won't. I'm much more tolerant to these kind of things.

What's the article about again?

Where is my beer? Or daiquiri?

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There are some crazy videos on YouTube about this stuff and multiculturalism and all the other counter intuitive social engineering going on. All this stuff is supposed to enlighten and raise the culture to a better place but instead, the videos claim, it will year society apart. You can already see what the sexual revolution, feminism etc. has done to the family unit.
There are some crazy videos on YouTube about this stuff and multiculturalism and all the other counter intuitive social engineering going on. All this stuff is supposed to enlighten and raise the culture to a better place but instead, the videos claim, it will year society apart. You can already see what the sexual revolution, feminism etc. has done to the family unit.

In the new world, just replace "family" with "unit" and everything is utopia.

We have a happy unit. So glad to be a part of this unit.

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