Alberta auto insurance companies fined

Nah, insurance makes sure the gov is their friends.... ironically, all government vehicles has no insurance on them =P
Nah, insurance makes sure the gov is their friends.... ironically, all government vehicles has no insurance on them =P
They are 'self-insured' - you could do it too if you had a big wad of someone else's cash...
They are 'self-insured' - you could do it too if you had a big wad of someone else's cash...
Most municipalities are self insured up the a limit (say 5M) and then they have a policy to protect them for losses exceeding that amount. Just think of it as insurance with a 5M deductible.

Ottawa transit is circling the drain as they have killed so many people recently. Their insurance premiums double every year and even at that rate they have trouble finding anyone that will write them a policy.
Where I was really going is, I've heard stories where they get gov empoyees gets pulled over and gets a ticket for invalid insurance cause most cop doesn't know better. They assume no insurance paper = no insurance and gives you a ticket. Little as they know, chances are they don't have the same paper either >>
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