I have no interest in trying to argue with a guy about what he should be interested in, but this article? I don't know what is more disappointing; the fact that the Toronto Star can't hire contributors that have an ounce on competence and good sense, or that there people that are so dreadfully narrow and disrespectful when people around them don't quite fit into their little fiefdom. A couple of excerpts:
A cute or clever name, until you are reminded that an ace is a fighter pilot credited with kills in battle. We’re not talking video game kills. We’re talking kills, as in death.
We celebrate that here now, do we?
Makes me sick.
An analogy here is kids playing with fireworks, or idiots in cars racing around a track at high speed; it’s fun until it blows up in your face; or, fun until some idiot gets out of his car, runs onto the track, and gets bumped into oblivion.
You like that stuff?
Finally, a lot of people will conclude that I don’t “support our troops” because I refuse to celebrate instruments of death, or the skill required to wield them. That’s absurd. I support our troops with my taxes, just like you do, and I’m in a pretty fair bracket; odds are, I support them more.
And I say it’s time to ground the air show.
I know, it's a motorcycle forum....trouble is, this guy has a column in a major daily, and I really wonder how he sees motorcyclists, or anyone else that doesn't sing from the same songbook. He's a ****ing nazi
I have no interest in trying to argue with a guy about what he should be interested in, but this article? I don't know what is more disappointing; the fact that the Toronto Star can't hire contributors that have an ounce on competence and good sense, or that there people that are so dreadfully narrow and disrespectful when people around them don't quite fit into their little fiefdom. A couple of excerpts:
A cute or clever name, until you are reminded that an ace is a fighter pilot credited with kills in battle. We’re not talking video game kills. We’re talking kills, as in death.
We celebrate that here now, do we?
Makes me sick.
An analogy here is kids playing with fireworks, or idiots in cars racing around a track at high speed; it’s fun until it blows up in your face; or, fun until some idiot gets out of his car, runs onto the track, and gets bumped into oblivion.
You like that stuff?
Finally, a lot of people will conclude that I don’t “support our troops” because I refuse to celebrate instruments of death, or the skill required to wield them. That’s absurd. I support our troops with my taxes, just like you do, and I’m in a pretty fair bracket; odds are, I support them more.
And I say it’s time to ground the air show.
I know, it's a motorcycle forum....trouble is, this guy has a column in a major daily, and I really wonder how he sees motorcyclists, or anyone else that doesn't sing from the same songbook. He's a ****ing nazi