Air Compressor or Bicycle Pump for track days? |

Air Compressor or Bicycle Pump for track days?


Well-known member
What do you guys use at track days for air? I lug an air compressor with me and was wondering if a simple bicycle hand pump would do the job. I only need to increase pressure by a few pounds at most (if it's warranted) because I set them at the right pressures prior to going to the track. Would like to save some weight and space on my trailer. It's not a big compressor but I'd still like to leave it at home.

I use one of these plugged to the Geny

but you can also use this
I use a bike hand pump. I spent money on a decent one ($30) at a bicycle show, and works pretty good. I don't trust the psi gauge though.

Pretty much like the manual one above
I have a wee 2 gallon master craft. Good enough for tds.

Air pump is fine but the compressor is beauty for getting all the sand etc out of the crevices after you bin it. Blowing down air filter etc.

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