Ah, September


Well-known member
The air is crisp, the leaves begin to turn, the sunlight takes on a certain quality.:)

And the trains and subways are crammed with returning students drowning themselves in Axe and cheap drugstore perfume and chattering like magpies on crack. Ferchrissakes, dial it down! You're making everyone's eyes water with that toxic $9.99-a-gallon ****.:mad:
dont forget the loud music blasting-dont-give-a-damn-no-common-curtesy-ignorant-bone-heads in the transit
On the plus side, less punks at the gym with their Tap-out t-shirts...
I'm hoping I can take my bike too school long enough that by the time I have to resort to the bus, the summer catch has died down and there's less annoying voices

Don't miss any time either way!;)
...all this complaining makes you people sound like old farts.

Solution: Avoid the unwashed masses and drive.
...all this complaining makes you people sound like old farts.

Speaking purely for myself, I am an old fart and have no problem with it. If you're lucky, you'll be one too, one day.
And as the father of a 20-year old, I can assure you that old farts don't have a monopoly on complaining.:rolleyes:
...all this complaining makes you people sound like old farts.

Solution: Avoid the unwashed masses and drive.

Spoken like someone who doesn't live or work downtown.
Sorry cupcake, worked downtown for years, drove every day, never regretted it once.

Pardon me peanut, what are your parking circumstances like? I'm guessing you take the Gardiner and avoid the DVP.
Pardon me peanut, what are your parking circumstances like? I'm guessing you take the Gardiner and avoid the DVP.

*Bingo* Snookums, you nailed it (the few times I tried the DVP, I opted for going down Bayview or Avenue).

Parking was generally near Front and Yonge, in a few places that would give you a break if you park before a certain time (and out by a certain time) and or discounts for purchasing parking for the month.
I envy your enthusiasm for being able to feel that a year older, is a plus.
Happy Birthday.
lol, well I'll finally be able to go to the concerts I want or clubs! as for the drinking part, I don't care if I'll be legal since I don't drink anyways.

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