After seeing this video I've decided to convert to Islam

woooow.....perfect example of justifying your actions through a "book"...
Islam – Beat people up
Christianity – Bomb the hell out of innocent people for oil.

Yeah Koran is very evil.
christopher hitchens said it best when he said religion makes good people do horrible things.
Islam – Beat people up
Christianity – Bomb the hell out of innocent people for oil.

Yeah Koran is very evil.

You may be forgetting about things like, oh, I don't know, WTC? Beheadings? Suicide bombing of locations such as; hotels, night clubs, etc...

That's not to say Christianity is innocent; Crusades, slavery, etc...

Makes one wonder if everyone shouldn't just keep their religion to themselves... or choose not to believe at all.
bah couldn't stand to watch the rest of the video. Everything starts with this book says this... It does not allow any free thinking. Religion was created in a time when there was no internet, tvs basically any technology to explain the science of things that go on. Religion just sounds look a constitution but is not called that because they didn't have constitutions back than.
Flamewar to start in 5.......4.......3.......2.......

Would anyone be upset if I created my own branch of one of these "RELIGIONS" and developed an interpretation that would allow beatings and honour killings in the event of stupidity?

I believe I could solve a number of issues with this angle!
christopher hitchens said it best when he said religion makes good people do horrible things.

I question how "good" these people were in the first place. I think it's just easy justification for being horrible people.

Or just really stupid people. Actually, crossing stupid with a-hole is about the worst combination out there.
bah couldn't stand to watch the rest of the video. Everything starts with this book says this... It does not allow any free thinking. Religion was created in a time when there was no internet, tvs basically any technology to explain the science of things that go on. Religion just sounds look a constitution but is not called that because they didn't have constitutions back than.

For you and others who couldn't bother watching he said "The flogging will continue until moral improves"
If I call him an ******* will it get edited?

Yup A*****e gets clipped.
The catholic church slaughtered people by the thousands who would not convert over to Christianity during the crusades.
Islam, Muslim, Christians were all the same.
Scientology and belief in aliens is we're it's at ;).

That's like those Hitler videos with the fake translations.

He's actually giving intructions of how to cook a rack of lamb with Dijon mustard and garlic and rosemary flavored bread crumbs
That's like those Hitler videos with the fake translations.

He's actually giving intructions of how to cook a rack of lamb with Dijon mustard and garlic and rosemary flavored bread crumbs

Don't know if you kidding or if what you say is true...I hate watching stuff I can't understand -_-

But ya, Roasted, one day you might be forced to convert to Islam. Some extremist dream of it. (just like extremist christian dream of conquering them too)
I would like to stick up for Islam for a second..

I'm Sikh, which is pretty much the polar opposite of Islam, but Islam isn't a horrible religion.. it's the extremists that manipulate the words out of their written context to side with their own personal belief.

Let's not hate on religions, there's too much of that already :( I believe people are either good or bad; whatever religion they choose to follow or manipulate.

In Boondock Saint's, there's a speech and it goes something like this:

"Monsignor: And I am reminded, on this holy day, of the sad story of Kitty Genovese. As you all may remember, a long time ago, almost thirty years ago, this poor soul cried out for help time and time again, but no person answered her calls. Though many saw, no one so much as called the police. They all just watched as Kitty was being stabbed to death in broad daylight. They watched as her assailant walked away. Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men. "
Lawrence of Arabia you say?

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