I sold a bike last month subject to a test ride which I had planned with the buyer for March at the earliest. We settled on a deposit.
He called last night wanting to close the deal today with a test ride. I looked at the forecast last night calling for 9C this afternoon so reservedly agreed to oblige him. I think the temps might be fine but the roadways in Mississauga look slick right now. He's bringing his trailer and all cash needed so he seems serious.
On the plus side if all goes well I can close the deal today and have more garage space. Fingers crossed.
He called last night wanting to close the deal today with a test ride. I looked at the forecast last night calling for 9C this afternoon so reservedly agreed to oblige him. I think the temps might be fine but the roadways in Mississauga look slick right now. He's bringing his trailer and all cash needed so he seems serious.
On the plus side if all goes well I can close the deal today and have more garage space. Fingers crossed.