A Day Made of Glass | GTAMotorcycle.com

A Day Made of Glass


Well-known member
As an engineer, I find this video inspiring! Given the acceleration of technological advancement, as cost goes down I could see this happening within 10-20 years. It already exists (whether proof of concept or in a research lab), it just needs to be refined.


MTO already installed new colour electronic signs (although not as fancy as the one in the video). No idea why they are still haven't used the new functionality yet.
I'd love to be able to use stuff like this for CAD purposes....but let's face it....this tech will just open up the possibility of people downloading and watching porn at the kitchen counter.
Makes me want to be cryogenically frozen so I can get a glimpse of the future; if the world doesn't end next year :rolleyes:
Luckily the future is always spotlessly clean because glass shows up dirt like a mofo.

BTW that glass popcorn bowl was so like, 2010 man.
Fingerprints all over the place - omg! And the mom needs gps to get to the office she goes to everyday? Lol! I like the darkening glass though - I wonder how much that would cost and what you do if the seal fails.
Its all neat, but really, do we need that stuff? Dont get me wrong, i love technology, and i work in the tech industry, but seriously none of that stuff looked practical to me at all, other than maybe the highway signs and the transit maps.
Its all neat, but really, do we need that stuff? Dont get me wrong, i love technology, and i work in the tech industry, but seriously none of that stuff looked practical to me at all, other than maybe the highway signs and the transit maps.

I didn't see a single thing on there that was going to make a positive difference in the lives of any of those people, relative to existing technology today. Besides the "cool!" factor, there wasn' much there that can't be done on conventional large screens or ipads or what have you. Looked like a refinement of existing technology (i.e. a thinner TV, etc.) So the little girl can paint glasses on a photo on the fridge. Really, that's awesome?

I thought the bus-shelter stuff was cool though - I exempt that from my comments above.

What is always left out of these techno-future visions, however, is - where will the electricity come from? My current kitchen counter consumes no power. Ditto for my bathroom mirror, my windows, and most of the books I read. Where's the cheap and abundant power source we'll need for this wonderful future?
What is always left out of these techno-future visions, however, is - where will the electricity come from? My current kitchen counter consumes no power. Ditto for my bathroom mirror, my windows, and most of the books I read. Where's the cheap and abundant power source we'll need for this wonderful future?

Think about the 50's generation when sci-fi was coming out. Doors that open by themselves, and other stuff like that that I can't think of right now, lol. We now consume vast amounts of power compared to that time.
Think about the 50's generation when sci-fi was coming out. Doors that open by themselves, and other stuff like that that I can't think of right now, lol. We now consume vast amounts of power compared to that time.

We also thought we would starve since we cannot produce enough food from the limited amount of land. Population increase, not enough food.

With the advent of genetic modification we can plant on the same land and get 3x the amount of yield.

Look around u, see how fat everyone is :rolleyes:
self tinting glass like that is already commercially available actually, really cool stuff though.
Cool video, the best technology displayed was the interconnection of everything with everything, I don't know if we will ever get to that stage.
Cool video, the best technology displayed was the interconnection of everything with everything, I don't know if we will ever get to that stage.

Apple and Microsoft are going in that direction with their "cloud" networking stuff. We'll see how this pans out, but I think politics and greed will keep things segregated to a degree.
Apple and Microsoft are going in that direction with their "cloud" networking stuff. We'll see how this pans out, but I think politics and greed will keep things segregated to a degree.

Everyone is really going towards "cloud" technology these days. Basically any online application can be considered a "cloud" application even if it wasnt called that a few years ago (webmail is a big one most people dont consider). A couple years ago when SaaS was new and exciting i kind of doubted that everything would be moved online and we wouldnt have installed software anymore... Now? I can kind of see it, with google docs and microsoft office live, salesforce, success factors etc... These were products which even 5 years ago companies would spend millions of dollars developing or implementing and require pretty beefy machines and back end systems to manage (CRM systems before salesforce were generally attrocious). It does help that i work for a SaaS company and I really get a first hand look at what kind of neat stuff can be done in SaaS though. With HTML 5, we can (and do) offer a product thats as rich as any ipad application, which on the surface doesnt sound impressive until you think of the state of "cloud" applications even 2 years ago. In another 2-5 years, what will be accomplishable in a web browser will be incredible, i think.

So yeah, as long as a computing device has a browser and some memory to store application state and data (16 gigs of RAM would probably do it for the foreseeable future), interconnected devices like we see in that commercial would be, and even are today, viable. Save your state on your phone, pick it up again on your table top, save again, back to your phone. It might not be as seemless between manufacturers as they show in the commercial, but we are pretty close as it is. And consumers would be more likely to buy an LG countertop, refrigerator, phone and TV (for example) if it meant you could do things like this, so interconnectivity between manufacturers kind of becomes a moot point, even less so if your state is saved to a server and not even the local device. Your next device can just download the state to its memory and resume, completely agnostic to operating system, device manufacturer and web browser, as long as HTML standards are followed (and every major browser is busting their ***** to ensure HTML 5 compatibility right now).

As for the power concern? We already generate and use power far more economically and efficiently than we did even 30 years ago. Power would be the least of my concerns for the future. We are no where near the limits of what we can generate or how efficiently we can operate electronics from what i can tell. Hell, even 15 years ago if you walked into a datacenter it was a giant buzzing, noisy, extremely hot environment. Its really incomparable to a modern rack of blade servers, both in terms of computer power available and energy efficiency.
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