9192 Celica > 2011 F150 | GTAMotorcycle.com

9192 Celica > 2011 F150


This might belong in the insurance section, but please bear with me.

I drive a old 92 Celica with the unexciting 2.2 engine with auto.
It's not a fast car.

I pay upward of 200 bucks in insurance a month. 3rd party only.

But when I did a quote for a 2011 (brand spanking new) Ford F150 the quote came to
130 per month.

130 for a brand new vehicle, 200+ for a 20 year old vehicle.

Thanks for reading my rant!!
That "3rd part only" insurance you refer to is actually third party liability PLUS DCPD PLUS uninsured motorist coverage PLUS accident benefits coverage.

The Celica is a serious death trap in comparison to the F150, and I would bet that much of your Celica premium would be for the accident benefits part of the mandatory coverage items. Look at your policy for the break-down.
Maybe "auto insurance" should be renamed "probability of death and dismemberment insurance" so that people stop asking these types of questions.
Buy a Buick for cheapo insurance.

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