90's theme costume party!


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I'm attending a 90's theme costume party next weekend and I need some character ideas. I've scoured the internets and haven't found anything I could fit the bill for. :confused1:

Preferably a character that's known for riding a motorcycle and that has an awesome beard (because I got one and ain't shaving it!)
Go as Al Borlan from Home Improvement.

You're welcome....
Haha.. Al Borlan would be awesome!

I've decided to go with the bad *** character, Ghost Rider. I got a skull mask, now I just need to find gloves with spikes on them and some chain from Home Depot! And a fire flame wig.
I've hosted a '90s party and have been to a few. I usually rock a track suit and some spiky, Vanilla Ice hair.

Al Borlan is awesome! Good call man!

So I can't help with your costume... but I can help with some tunes :D

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