427 Collectors South from 401 to QEW | GTAMotorcycle.com

427 Collectors South from 401 to QEW


Well-known member
427 Collectors South from 401 to QEW - Milled Surface

The collector lanes of the 427 from where HWY 27 joins it at the 401 all the way down to the QEW are being resurfaced and all of them are torn up at the moment (milled). It's the rough torn up surface with a lot of tar snakes and gaps in the concrete and holes. Pain the butt to ride on, you can just feel it tearing into your tires and doing damage to them. Try to avoid.

Milled surfaces on highways are very dangerous for motorcycles yet there seems to be very little concern for us regarding proper signage warning of such beyond regular consturction zone signs. When you are crusing along at 100+ and the pavement suddenly turns to milled grooves it's not a good thing.. I found this interesting article about them on a site from NY. http://www.abateny.org/safe/workzone.html

People in cars are not aware of how bikes work, and that bikers need more space around us on those conditions, i think it's something they should teach new drivers in their training courses and it should be in the written test questions, warning them to slow down and be more aware of motorcycles.
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Re: 427 Collectors South from 401 to QEW - Milled Surface

The collector lanes of the 427 from where HWY 27 joins it at the 401 all the way down to the QEW are being resurfaced and all of them are torn up at the moment (milled). It's the rough torn up surface with a lot of tar snakes and gaps in the concrete and holes. Pain the butt to ride on, you can just feel it tearing into your tires and doing damage to them. Try to avoid.

Milled surfaces on highways are very dangerous for motorcycles yet there seems to be very little concern for us regarding proper signage warning of such beyond regular consturction zone signs. When you are crusing along at 100+ and the pavement suddenly turns to milled grooves it's not a good thing.. I found this interesting article about them on a site from NY. http://www.abateny.org/safe/workzone.html

People in cars are not aware of how bikes work, and that bikers need more space around us on those conditions, i think it's something they should teach new drivers in their training courses and it should be in the written test questions, warning them to slow down and be more aware of motorcycles.

The 427 has been pretty messed up for a while due to the construction especially when it comes to gaps in concrete.

As for training courses and written test questions, that probably won't do anything. It just comes down to what the driver wants to do. If people don't keep safe distances from other vehicles when driving (what is taught and tested), what are the chances that they will do that for motorcyclists?

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