4 stroke muffler packing in GTA ?? | GTAMotorcycle.com

4 stroke muffler packing in GTA ??

For on-road bikes, have heard the FMF packing is not good.

For my Yosh pipe, I found packing was a catalogue item from Motovan and my local dealer ordered it for $20. Have heard the same for Two Brothers pipes as well.

Watch out which rivets you're sent. I was sent the wrong rivets and ended up going to a fastener supply store for the right ones. Also, for the rivets needed (3/16" SS), I needed to go get a premium hand riveter.
How often you guys repack these things?
My hindle is starting to sound like a beat up civic with a fart can and wondering if its time to repack
Yosh's spec is about every 10,000 miles?

The previous owner had the pipe for three years and rode a lot, and told me it needed a re-pack when I got it - so maybe that's conservative.

When you DIY on your workbench, it is difficult to do as good of a job as the factory does so maybe the interval will go down. It's not the world's most fun job either.

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