3 yellow wire problem for Shadows

Very informative blog post, with good photos. This is a common problem with some Shadows. Those yellow wires melted pretty good. You did a neat fix.

Are you on the Honda Shadow forum as well? I thought you rode a CBR and your name was Anje!
I don't think the problem is just on Honda Shadows. I have repaired my stator connector on my VFR and CBR.
Basically the connection corrodes a little, increasing the resistance of the connection, which creates heat and that melts the plastic.

On an older bike, I highly recommend that you clean (lightly sand) all electrical connectors, cover with dielectric grease and reassemble. You will NEVER have any connection problems again. It is also a good idea to do this on a newer bike as a preventative measure.
Great photos, great writeup! Thanks for posting =)

You might want to copy and paste your blog into the "tutorials" section on here as well.

-Jamie M.
this problem is not related to just shadows, all charging systems that have a fault will melt the connector, weak battery, bad rec/reg, and burnt stator, are all going to cause the the weak link (the connector) to fail. you should be glad that you dont live near salt water. the salt air is a machancs worst nightmere with intermitten electrical problems.

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