3 tickets new Rider


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Does anyone know of a Insurance Company that will provide insurance to a new rider that has 3 tickets. A friend of mine has been turned down by Riders Plus. Thanks
my advice Don't ride until the tickets fall off. Otherwise you might as well just drop your pants and get raped by insurance companies.
The money he'll spend on a single year of insurance he could get a cheap track bike, a leather suit, and a hitch & trailer. It sounds like your friend likes going fast anyway :)
As stated, facility. Somewhere I heard that once you have facility branded on your record it stays with you.
One ticket? Crap happens
Two tickets? Possibly a coincidence
Three tickets? Someone has a learning problem
As stated, facility. Somewhere I heard that once you have facility branded on your record it stays with you.
One ticket? Crap happens
Two tickets? Possibly a coincidence
Three tickets? Someone has a learning problem
well said.
Not always, 3rd ticket was no insurance slip. One of his employees removed it from the truck

If there are vehicles that are being used by multiple drivers, it is that person's responsibility to make sure all the appropriate documentation is available.
State Farm told me that "no insurance slip" didn't count as a ticket. (I got nailed for speeding in a rental and couldn't find the rental papers.) I got in as a 1-ticket guy even though I technically had two.

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State Farm told me that "no insurance slip" didn't count as a ticket. (I got nailed for speeding in a rental and couldn't find the rental papers.) I got in as a 1-ticket guy even though I technically had two.

Here is a list of minor convictions, not sure what the State Farm guy is talking about (9th from the top 'fail to have insurance card")

Speeding – 49 km/h over the limit or less
Backing up – Unsafe/illegal/improper
Brakes – None/inadequate/improper
Crowding driver’s seat
Door opening – Illegal/obstructing traffic
Having open alcohol in the car
Fail or refuse to surrender license
Fail to produce evidence of insurance
Fail to carry insurance card
Fail to have insurance card
Fail to disclose particulars
Emergency vehicle – Operating with no regard for safety
Driving imprudently
Driving off roadway
Flagman – Disobeying
Following too closely
Headlights/Parking light – Improper/Lack of use
Lack of control of vehicle
Motor-assisted bicycle – Carrying passengers
Motorcycle – Operating with only an instruction permit
Motorcycle – Failure to wear helmet
Passing infraction (Except school bus/school zone)
Pedestrian crossing violation
Radar warning device in motor vehicle
Railway crossing
Safety zone violation
Fail to signal
Slow driving
Smokescreen device on vehicle
Squealing tires
Stopping – Illegal/improper
Defective/Worn tires
Prohibited/unsafe towing
Disobey traffic sign
Trailer – Improper attachments/Improper towing
Prohibited turn
Drive with improper license class
Unsafe move
Unsafe vehicle
Using a hand-held wireless communication device
Drive on wrong side of road
Fail to yield
What's the difference between "Fail to have insurance card" and "Fail to surrender insurance card?" Two different charges. There is a difference.
If there are vehicles that are being used by multiple drivers, it is that person's responsibility to make sure all the appropriate documentation is available.

I agree completely, and I learned the hard way. No insurance slip & no plate. I didn't even look. *face palm Long story short, cost me huuuuuuuge in fines and insurance. (edit)Sorry, no visible plate. It was all bent and pushed up...
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What's the difference between "Fail to have insurance card" and "Fail to surrender insurance card?" Two different charges. There is a difference.

The first, "Failt to have insurance card" is a charge "sometimes" laid in connection to those who have NO insurance, (sort of piling on the charges).

The second is for a person who HAS insurance but doesn't "surrender" the card when requested by a peace officer.
WTF Smokescreen device on vehicle ... LOL

How many times was james bond pulled over for them to put that into law LOL
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