250r owners inside- need to borrow turn signals!


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I have a 2010 Ninja 250 but looking to borrow or buy aftermarket turn signals...if borrowed would require for 1 weeks time while mine are on order....can provide stock replacements if required, can also pay rental fee.

Please pm me or message here asap!

Sorry hun, I'm lost. If you have stock why do you need to borough aftermarket ones while you order new ones?
Don't have anything for you, sorry. But...after you get the ones you ordered, I'll be happy to buy the stock ones off you, PM me.
Sorry hun, I'm lost. If you have stock why do you need to borough aftermarket ones while you order new ones?

I must be not understanding this as well....

So th OP has OEM indicators, but wants to borrow/buy aftermarket ones for a week?

what for?
This is the first thread I've seen requesting to borrow such a thing.
That is correct, would like to have it for a picture I am getting done...have the stockers but would prefer a cleaner flushmount signal for the picture....not sure why such a simple request has caused so much confusion...if you are a 250 owner that would like to swap for a week with a rental cost let me know!

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