$1343 for two bikes. 1997 CBR 1100 and 2000 SV650s
No claims
No Tickets
Bundled with home and car
Address in Orangeville.
Licensed and insured since 2003
41 male common law.
$4 less than last year
Last year's thread:
$1343 for two bikes. 1997 CBR 1100 and 2000 SV650s
No claims
No Tickets
Bundled with home and car
Address in Orangeville.
Licensed and insured since 2003
41 male common law.
$4 less than last year
Last year's thread:
Received in the mail today.
$1347 for two bikes. 1997 CBR 1100 and 2000 SV650s
No claims
No Tickets
Bundled with home and car
Address in Orangeville.
Licensed and insured since 2003
40 male common law.
Edit: $50 less than last year
$1347 for two bikes. 1997 CBR 1100 and 2000 SV650s
No claims
No Tickets
Bundled with home and car
Address in Orangeville.
Licensed and insured since 2003
40 male common law.
Edit: $50 less than last year