2017 08 17 - Rider dead after collision with horse & buggy


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"A motorcycle driver has died after his bike hit a horse and buggy near Dorking.It happened just after 10:30 a.m. Thursday at the intersection of Line 86 and Chalmers-Forrest Road.
Police say the man was thrown from his motorcycle.
He died at the scene of the collision.
The two adults and three children inside the buggy were not hurt.
The horse was killed.
Speed is believed to be a factor in the crash.

Police want to speak with anyone who saw the motorcyclist before the collision. They say he was driving a blue CBR Honda and was possibly headed to Listowel. He was wearing a helmet which said “True North Strong and Free” and a black jacket."


RIP rider.

Exercise care in Mennonite country...
Damn, I used to ride that area & get distracted with the buggies.

RIP Rider.

Always give horses a wide berth when on anything motorized - even the best trained bombproof horses can be spooked by something that they may have never been exposed to before like a motorcycle, or their noise.

Whenever possible, let off the throttle to minimize noise while passing and change into the opposite lanes to maximize the space between you and the horse(s) - if they spook you have more space to stay safe.

Also remember that it's not only for your safety, but for the people on horseback (or in this case) or buggy's safety as well.
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