Love this bike! So much fun to learn on! I've had it since brand new. It's been female ridden. Needs tires to do safety so I'm selling as is. I don't have the money right now to put some on so I'm selling it for $2,900 obo. Need the money so really want to sell it quick! Runs great, and looks great!
Only reason I'm selling it cause I just bought a bigger bike, and now need the money.
Changed oil this spring, and the bike is ready to ride except for tires. It has lot of tread, they're just cupped so they won't pass safety.
email me at
Love this bike! So much fun to learn on! I've had it since brand new. It's been female ridden. Needs tires to do safety so I'm selling as is. I don't have the money right now to put some on so I'm selling it for $2,900 obo. Need the money so really want to sell it quick! Runs great, and looks great!
Only reason I'm selling it cause I just bought a bigger bike, and now need the money.
Changed oil this spring, and the bike is ready to ride except for tires. It has lot of tread, they're just cupped so they won't pass safety.
email me at
Make | Kawasaki |
Model | Ninja |
For Sale By | Owner |
Colour | Green |
Engine Displacement (cc) | 250 |
Kilometers | 50,000 |
Year | 2010 |
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