2008 suzuki gixxer 600 help


New member
i have a 08 gixxer 600, the problem im having is when im cruzing around 5000 rpms to 8000rpms the bike feels likes its sputtering like not enough fuel, but when i give it more gas it just jerks really hard. im not getting any FI codes, i just did the relector recall on it, replace all the plugs and put back my stock intake filter so i all i have left on it is my yosh slip on, im thinking its my tps and that it has a dead spot. i know ill get people saying to go faster but i need this fix cause it sucks when ur on a turn and the bike feels like its going to die.

thanks for the feed back
I remember having one of those vacuum hose unplugged on my bike and it gave the same sputtering around 6000rpm
Doubt its TPS that usually shows at just off idle.
I have the same issue still.. I've been trying to fix it for 2 years, and it typically only happens in second gear. I'm pretty sure it's running lean, but if you figure it out post your solution.
i found the problem, the gas vapour line was pinch so the presure in the tank was building up. thats all i could find and the problem went away.
Most of the time its one of those lines
problem still not fixed. when its really hot out, it still does it. i think my next step is to change all teh vac lines to see if theres a crack....this sucks
I have exactly the same problem but with my minivan, it sputters and even the engine turns off at certain coasting speeds, everytime I take it to my mechanic the problem never happens when he's testing it so he just gives me back my car and tells me there's nothing wrong with it. It happens once every 3 days or sometimes 2 times a day or sometimes it doesn't happen for 3-4 days, it's weird and frustrating.
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