2008 250R won't start/crank


Lights come on and horn works.

What should the troubleshooting procedure be? Could it be a faulty kick-stand switch? Faulty kill-switch? I'll check both of those tomorrow, but any other suggestions? Could this be a fuse issue?
When did this start? Have you ridden it this season? Probably the battery is low, despite the horn and lights.
The problem most likely started last year. I did have battery issues last year, and it did die on me, and i just put the bike away for the winter when it did.

I tried boosting it from my car, but i also got a new battery as well (charging atm so it will be ready for tomorrow).

I did read that thread 2live&ride, but i don't think those are my problems. If it was spark plugs, carbs, throttle/choke issues it would at least crank, right? My bike doesn't crank at all. I push the ignition button and nothing, it's as if the kill switch is activated or something.
If you just pulled it out and tried to start it, it's probably the battery. Once you put the new battery in, I'm sure you'll be fine.
battery...100%, you didn't need a new one, should have just left it on charge overnight. My cousin's 250 that was parked next to mine had the same issues but it was parked since October whereas mine got ridden atleast everyweek, even throughout the winter.
battery...100%, you didn't need a new one, should have just left it on charge overnight. My cousin's 250 that was parked next to mine had the same issues but it was parked since October whereas mine got ridden atleast everyweek, even throughout the winter.

I did charge the battery overnight. My charger also does a test (Optimate 3+) and it failed, which was why i got a new one. But regardless, i don't think it's the battery, since i couldn't even jump it with the car.

I hope you guys are right and it works in the morning, but i have my doubts.
I did charge the battery overnight. My charger also does a test (Optimate 3+) and it failed, which was why i got a new one. But regardless, i don't think it's the battery, since i couldn't even jump it with the car.

I hope you guys are right and it works in the morning, but i have my doubts.

well then your battery might be full out dead in which case you will need the new one. When you try and crank does it make the normal noise like its trying to start or is it just a dead whizzing noise?
well then your battery might be full out dead in which case you will need the new one. When you try and crank does it make the normal noise like its trying to start or is it just a dead whizzing noise?

Nothing happened, no click, no crank, nothing. As i mentioned, it was as if the kill switch was on.

Anyways, it wasn't the kill switch, but the starter button. Fixed that and it's working now.
A spider got in and made a web, and i guess that interfered with the spring action in the starter button. At least that's my guess.
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