2007 gs500f broken down on side of road urgent help needed


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Was pulling off highway after 600km today when on ramp after I stopped the bike died. Tried to restart, get this rapid fire clicking noise, but no turn over.

It's been raining all day, the oil was changed yesterday, there's a half tank off gas left, the battery works as evidenced by the lights coming on. In the last 20 km it felt as if the bike was out of gas, which didn't make sense since it was refilled 100 km before, but I still switched it to reserve, and then switched it back after a km, and the chugging was gone. That's all I can think off now.
The "rapid fire clicking noise" you make mention of is typically indicative of a battery/power issue (ie. not enough juice). I would first check the battery terminals to make sure the connections are tight. Once tight, if the clicking noise persists, try bump starting the bike to get it started and get you home.
Lights being on doesnt mean the battery is good. Rapid clicking is usually not enough power to turn the engine over. The lights can stay on until the battery is practically dead, theyll just get really dim from around 8v down to 0v.
Assuming you and the bike are at home by now... try jumping the bike with cable or a booster pack. If it starts and stays running after you disconnect pack, it's a battery issue. If it starts and died when you take the battery pack off... more than likely your alternator. This COULD still be battery issue, if it's really old. Good Luck
your charging system is toast, either your stator or your rec/reg,because of a bad ground. you ran the bike with, whats called a total loss discharge. once your battery got below 9 volts, with your head light on, you didnt have the power for your cdi to run the engine. by stopping at the side of the road your battery would have regained some power back but you should have pulled the fuse for the head light and bump started your bike to save energy.
GS500F can also have an issue where it gets fuel starved when cruising on the highway. 100 usualy won't do it, but go for 30-40 mins at 120-130km/h and it may rear its head, happened to me just last weekend on the 403. You can try popping out the fuel filter in the gas tank and give that a blast with compressed air, seemed to go away for a year or two after I did that.

Short term you can just set it to reserve and it will draw enough fuel that way. Just don't run out of gas. It does sound like you have a charging issue though. If you can boost it (have the car turned off when you do), and have a volt/multimeter, check to see what the voltage is across the battery, it should be up around 14-15 volts when running I believe, check it at 4-5k rpm.
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