Was pulling off highway after 600km today when on ramp after I stopped the bike died. Tried to restart, get this rapid fire clicking noise, but no turn over.
It's been raining all day, the oil was changed yesterday, there's a half tank off gas left, the battery works as evidenced by the lights coming on. In the last 20 km it felt as if the bike was out of gas, which didn't make sense since it was refilled 100 km before, but I still switched it to reserve, and then switched it back after a km, and the chugging was gone. That's all I can think off now.
It's been raining all day, the oil was changed yesterday, there's a half tank off gas left, the battery works as evidenced by the lights coming on. In the last 20 km it felt as if the bike was out of gas, which didn't make sense since it was refilled 100 km before, but I still switched it to reserve, and then switched it back after a km, and the chugging was gone. That's all I can think off now.