1996 astro race van daily driver


Well-known member
1996 astro race van etest and cert.

never has this van faulted me. bikes fit perfect in the back if just going for the day. 650km per 100l tank. used to haul me and my trailer to the race track for the last 8yrs, mostly hwy401 km's. well maintained,( cant afford to brake down on 401 with my race bike in tow haha). all new brakes complete front and rear, rad, battery, rear hatch. fully loaded with rear heat, front and rear stabilizers (rare on an astro), no body roll. starter alarm, B+m transmission shift selector.extra leafs and air shocks. engine runs on full synthetic, k+n air filter. very little rust. great van. call for more info or pics.

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willing to safety for a bit more... i will be getting it done next week. i know it needs nothing. burns no oil. this van gets as much love as my bike.
passed safety today $1800 with cert or 1600 with out. needs a plate light.
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