1995 yzf 600r died while driving home on highway


well i was riding the bike on the highway all of a sudden the ights shut off and well everything shut off and the bike died but then came back on very fast and then died once again while doing 130 and then dies and never came on again. so i got it towed bye moto limo and charged the battery the battery reads 12v and while the bike running it drops to like 11.30, could it be my magneto which is called the starter right? i dont think it my battery when i charge it it charges fine. i checked my megneto while the bike was running and its a like 1.15 which what ever that means. any suggestions guys.
i dont think it my starter becasue the bike start up amazing, i cant see it being the battery but i bought the bike with the battery in it. i am going to open up the starter cover tomore and take a look at the megneto and see how the bushing are
you need a ohmmeter to check the out put from the the stator, the three yellow wires isolated from the reg/rec should put out, about 20 vac off 2 of the 3 leds at idle and at 5k, you should be around 80vac. there is another test for the reg/rec diode check and finnaly your battery load test. p. s. the magneto you speak of is an altinator no need to inspect, just test.
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