1990 Honda 250XL (dual sport)


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hey guys,.

My friend has a Honda 250xl and he has registered it for the street. It essential is his work bike.

We are wiring up turn singles to it, but we can't get them to flash at all.

The voltage coming from the magneto is about 4-5v and the flasher relay i have is 6v.

I get the signal to light up but no flashing occurs (as i knew it wouldn't)

Is there any way i can increase power to the relay, or add some sort of battery that can be charged from the magneto and have a 12V output.

Thanks for you help once again! :)
Are you sure that its an XL? The XL, or XR-L came with turn signals, and even if someone had removed them, the wiring would still be there. I'm thinking it must be an XR-R, which only had head and tail light. It didn't even have a battery, just a capacitor to smooth out current flow to the lights, as at idle the magneto didn't put out enough juice to keep the lights burning brightly, they would just dim. It did have a 12V electrical system, though. They are several kits available to put lights on an XR. It seems to be a common modification, though, so check out www. thumpertalk.com, there are many there that have done it.
Have you considered using LED turn signals?

we have been using LED, but there isn't enough voltage to 'activate' the flasher
You need an electronic flasher. A 12v flasher will work on 6v electrical.

Dont buy the ones from canadian tire as they arent actually "electronic flashers" despite what it says on the packaging (as i found out, and as you can see, they use a wound coil inside and the housing is clear, i didnt actually look until i got it out of the package though).

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