1987 CBR600 Hurricane Part out from Raven Racing


Hey everyone,

I run the FSAE Non Hybrid team over in Carleton U called Ravens Racing. We are parting out the entire cbr600 Hurricane that we got for the race but went with a different Engine instead.

Here is the link to our Kijiji add, you can pay me through paypal or come get the parts in cash. We can ship them out. The only thing not usuable from the bike are the Front forks and some plastic bits. We never modified anything on the engine expect take it out of the bike frame.

The engine runs fine which we have a video of before we took everything apart.

:DThanks everyone for look and happy riding. I wish I could be riding my bike right now but we are busy preparing for competitions.:D

LINK: http://ottawa.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehi...-CBR600-Hurricane-PART-OUT-W0QQAdIdZ368947318

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