16 Year old looking for LSM Insurance


My 16 year old kid (girl) is looking to get her M and is starting out on a LSM 49cc Jazz. Right now she has a G1 and M1 but is having a hard time finding insurance. Anyone have any luck with this situation? Can she get her own or can I buy the Scooter and have her as an occasional driver to learn and get into the course?
I don't understand the last sentence. She can take a course without riding experience. Moving up to G2M2 should help. After that only time and experience will reduce. Time being 5 years of G and 9 years until she's 25.
If you ride.

Since she is 16 and lives at home with you, you can place her as an occasional driver.

If not your pretty much stuck paying through the nose.

And you do not need a bike to do the course. Just gear.

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I want her to start learning on the road under limited conditions and also take the course.

You can get your license and have the scooter under your name and have her as the principal driver, It will still be rated on her record, But you might get some multi-vehicle discounts through your insurance provider.

Cons: If she gets in an accident, both of your insurance records will have an accident/claim.

If she is the principal driver and you say occasional for cheap insurance, you could be charged with insurance fraud if they found out.
Get the course down asap and get her up to G2M2. That's the quickest fix. Then have her as occasional rider on your policy. Other than that it's just pay to play until she's older and progressed to GM asap as well and hopefully keeps her record clean.

I want her to start learning on the road under limited conditions and also take the course.

EDIT: I just read jeffjones response and have to say I don't know the ins/outs of occasionl vs primary wrt fraud, so take my advice with a grain of salt.
I guess the best thing to do is just get her trained and license upgraded so the experience clock starts ticking and talk to your insurance about the best thing to do.
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