This bike belonged to my late teammate Steve. I am helping his family sell the bikes.
Its an 06 with Akropovic exhaust, Arata rearsets, Steel brake lines front and rear, new battery. Bike sat from July 09 when Steve passed until last week. It fired right up with a boost. Bike is clean and has limited edition paint. Bike only has 19K on it.
Asking $6500 NO TRADES or 289-688-3462
Its an 06 with Akropovic exhaust, Arata rearsets, Steel brake lines front and rear, new battery. Bike sat from July 09 when Steve passed until last week. It fired right up with a boost. Bike is clean and has limited edition paint. Bike only has 19K on it.
Asking $6500 NO TRADES or 289-688-3462