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  1. Aisu

    Gsxr 600 Boston pizza guy

    Never went away!
  2. Aisu

    Gsxr 600 Boston pizza guy

    #foreverinourhearts GSX_R vroooom.
  3. Aisu

    Turn2 v Fast

    turn 2 ftw. they give u loads of seat time, and their home track is calabogie. can't go wrong. also george's girlfriend has a cool dog. +1 for the cool dog
  4. Aisu

    Gsxr 600 Boston pizza guy

    here's a cool update to the story. 2 of my coworkers also work at boston pizza on the side. creepy eh
  5. Aisu

    Turn2 v Fast

    i did the arc level 1 course from turn 2 and have read alot about the fast course and have heard about people who have done the fast course. My turn 2 experience was great, there was ALOT of track time and it was more focused on learning by doing, and they would also show the lines and cool...
  6. Aisu

    Gsxr 600 Boston pizza guy

    that t-shirt is rad. i want one
  7. Aisu

    York U parking

    ur gonna get a ticket unless u park at seneca at york. u can sometimes get away with parking at other places for awhile, but the ticket fairy is bound to find u.
  8. Aisu

    York U parking

    3 words. seneca at york.
  9. Aisu

    Gsxr 600 Boston pizza guy

    lol i wish
  10. Aisu

    Gsxr 600 Boston pizza guy

    Oh in spirit of keeping this thread alive. I went to the Boston Pizza meet by yorkdale mall yesterday n got a bunch of cool riders to sign my helmet. check it out lol
  11. Aisu

    Gsxr 600 Boston pizza guy

    thanks bud!
  12. Aisu

    Gsxr 600 Boston pizza guy

    come out to one of the rides, i normally go to the Wednesday Shopsys wing night!!
  13. Aisu

    How did you get into it?

    wow some of you guys have been racing for almost longer than i've been alive. that is pretty wild
  14. Aisu

    How did you get into it?

    wow that is really interesting. Do you mind telling me how you got injured? Also why did you get back into racing?
  15. Aisu

    How did you get into it?

    lol i hope this is a joke
  16. Aisu

    How did you get into it?

    I'm really interested in the canadian racing scene. I was wondering if you all could share your personal stories on how you got into motorcycle racing in canada?
  17. Aisu

    Post up PICS of members bikes?

    i have one that looks like that but it has a leo vince exhaust.
  18. Aisu

    Gsxr 600 Boston pizza guy

    lol ok guys, it looks like i can't get away from this one. I replaced the OP with the origional once since it's CACHED damn ITT!!! I don't mind if you guys sticky this, the joke will never die anyways.
  19. Aisu

    Gsxr 600 Boston pizza guy

    so in an effort to forever bury this thread i've deleted the op.
  20. Aisu

    hey dude it was cool meeting u at the shopsys thing. hope to see u again at another meet.

    hey dude it was cool meeting u at the shopsys thing. hope to see u again at another meet.
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