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  1. C

    *** riding group proposal - easy pace riding ***

    Current count is 16 members!
  2. C

    *** riding group proposal - easy pace riding ***

    15 members so far and great interest in setting up the first meet / ride!
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    *** riding group proposal - easy pace riding ***

    definitely a suggestion to consider
  4. C

    *** riding group proposal - easy pace riding ***

    Just to be clear, not necessarily all 13 will ride at once. Some people in the west, some in the east, not everyone has the same schedule. People will also be free to arrange their own rides :)
  5. C

    *** riding group proposal - easy pace riding ***

    Quick update: 13 Members so far and good amount of interest. Hopefully we can built a decent mini-community of riders with common riding goals and style.
  6. C

    *** riding group proposal - easy pace riding ***

    Anyone else interested please send me a private message with your EMAIL address and I will send you an invite :)
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    *** riding group proposal - easy pace riding ***

    I had sent all the invites from received PMs. So far we have 9 members. Patience is slowly paying off.
  8. C

    *** riding group proposal - easy pace riding ***

    You and your friends are welcomed in the group then :)
  9. C

    *** riding group proposal - easy pace riding ***

    Quick update: There has been some interest in this so far and we got 3 members so far :) If you are interested please send me your email address. The APP we will be using is called GroupMe and can be downloaded for IPhone/Android. The APP asks for phone number, but ONLY to set up the app...
  10. C

    *** riding group proposal - easy pace riding ***

    Interesting... never found any groups as such.. any examples?
  11. C

    *** riding group proposal - easy pace riding ***

    Hello, Anyone interested in creating a riding group for easy pace riding? The focus of the group will be the following: This will not be a typical SPORT BIKE group but if you are OK with rule #1, SPORT BIKES very welcome! (I am on a Gixer my self - for now) This is just a proposal. If you...
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    Hi Everyone, Been out for 3 years, now back. Currently on a Gixer. Making a come back into the hobby. Started to value life little more, going to rider slower :) Ben
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    Event looks great. Count me in for the first one in August!
  14. C

    Where did you ride today? - New rider version

    Just got back into riding after being out for around 3 years. Feels refreshing! Went to Orangeville this weekend and naturally did the forks on the way. Used to do some crazy crap back in the days, but taking a different approach to riding now. My nick name speaks for itself :)
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